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Reports out of Vermont: SOS Moscow

November 4, 2020
Dear Editor, Trader Don’s is closing down and moving itself, with his family companies lock, stock and barrel to a foreign destination within a fortnight after the Nov. 3 presidential election. Saving money, and the pursuit of law and justice, far from American courts, the Trader’s tumble has caused early trading on Wall Street to…

FOV thanks the community for its support

November 4, 2020
Dear Editor, Friends of Veterans would like to thank all our donors, sponsors and players who made our annual golf fundraiser at the Baker Hill Golf Club a tremendous success. This fundraiser along with the many grants we receive will allow us the opportunity to make this challenging year the fourth consecutive year of providing…

Cultured meat is animal welfare

November 4, 2020
Dear  Editor, I’m sure Senators Bernie Sanders and Pat Leahy say they care about animal welfare. But if this were true, they would support federal funding for cultured-meat research. For those who don’t know, cultured meat is grown from cells, without slaughtering animals. As things currently stand, we slaughter over a trillion aquatic and land…

Raiders is more than just a name

November 4, 2020
Dear Editor, The definition of “Old School" is usually used approvingly to refer to someone or something that is old-fashioned or “traditional.” What are old school values? Old school values attract parents. They stand for discipline, respect for authority, academic achievement for its own sake, scholarship, goodness and common decency.  This is what has been…

Proud to be represented by Shaw

October 28, 2020
Dear Editor, My name is Benjamin Wimett. I’m a lifelong resident of Brandon. I also happen to have cerebral palsy and cannot walk. Therefore, I use an electric wheelchair for mobility. A couple of years ago on a rainy, nasty afternoon after doing my civic duty and voting, I made my way back to my…

Stephanie Jerome is a strong advocate for our communities

October 28, 2020
Dear Editor, I encourage voters in Sudbury, Brandon, and Pittsford to join me in re-electing Stephanie Jerome for the Vermont House of Representatives. Jerome has spent her first term working on issues that help our state’s small communities and businesses thrive. Over the past two years, she has served on the House Commerce and Economic…

Vote independent for Windsor three senate seats!

October 28, 2020
Dear Editor, Yes, Windsor voters say "no" to the two party system. By doing so you’ll bring health back to our local democracy.  We’ve all watched for far to many years how the party system, well oiled political machines, have drag all of us down a rat hole. As you may well know that I’m…

Going to the polls

October 28, 2020
Dear Editor, The League of Women Voters would like to remind you of a few facts about next week’s General Election. Nov. 3, Election Day 2020, includes voting for presidential, congressional, state, and local races. Although this is the first time voters who registered before Sept. 1, received their ballots by mail, voters still have…

Too expensive for Vermont

October 28, 2020
Dear Editor, Why is Vermont’s rental housing so expensive in relation to income? Why are neighboring states’ economies much better than Vermont’s? Why are Vermont’s taxes near the highest in the country? Why does Vermont rank as the least friendly business state? Why is Vermont the most expensive state for retirees? This is not by…

Fredette is running to be the voice

October 28, 2020
Dear Editor, I am running to be a voice of the people from Clarendon, Proctor, Tinmouth, Wallingford, and West Rutland as Representative of the Rutland-2 District in the Vermont House; I would appreciate your vote. One of the strongest assets I have that qualifies me for the job is my ability to engage in productive…

Greg Cox for Senate and local agriculture

October 28, 2020
Dear Editor, I recently drank my last glass of Thomas Dairy milk.  It was sad to hear this local business with a long history in Rutland Town was closing.  In addition, the pandemic and outbreaks of Covid-19 at faraway food processing plants in the Midwest have highlighted the critical importance of a strong and vibrant…

Vermont lock down will have a long impact

October 28, 2020
Dear Editor, My wife and I live in West Virginia have traveled and skied at Killington for 30 years since we retired have made a trip in the fall and between four to five trips in the winter. With the Vermont restrictions we canceled our trip and went to the smoky mountains in Tennessee for…

Pulling makes her case for Rutland Town

October 28, 2020
Dear Editor, I am running as a bipartisan candidate for Rutland Town’s House seat, inviting ALL residents to build a bold new legislative agenda for our town. If elected, I will represent everyone in our town —all Republicans, Independents, and Democrats —constantly communicate and continually seek input. We are one town. Covid-19 requires a decisive…

Shank is the leader we need now

October 28, 2020
Dear Editor, I believe Michael Shank is exactly the kind of leader we need right now. At a time when it feels like the fabric of our society is being torn apart, almost every politician I see is busy talking about whose fault it is. Shank is busy working on how to bring people together…

Kudos for new use of force law

October 28, 2020
Dear Editor, I breathed a sigh of relief when Governor Scott allowed the new statewide use of force legislation to become law, rather than vetoing it. Why?  Over the past 10 years, 17 people have been killed by Vermont police.  And upon review by the Attorney General’s office, all have been deemed “justified.” Under the…