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Thayer announces candidacy for Rutland City assessor

February 10, 2021
Dear Editor, As you may know, I am running for Rutland City Assessor on Town Meeting Day, March  2. I am not into political endorsements. I will run on my proven experience in Real Estate mortgage financing, my experience doing title searches and RE closing settlements and my experience as a banker. My work in…

Kids matter in the ‘village’ of Rutland City

February 10, 2021
Dear Editor, Kids are one of our resources. Just like the farmers and farming and farms, Rutland is abundant in natural resources but our children are in trouble. The data collected prior to Covid showed that over 40% of Rutland children believe nobody cares about them. It gets worse from there. The 2017 Vermont Youth Risk…

VSC Plan and Castleton University

February 10, 2021
Dear Editor, The Castleton University Alumni Association Board of Directors, who represent over 18,000 living alumni members, oppose any name change from Castleton University to Vermont State University. The historical significance of Castleton’s name cannot be overstated. Castleton was founded in 1787 four years before Vermont became the 14th state in the Union. Castleton University,…

Seager announces stance on Rutland Raider name, logo

February 3, 2021
Dear Editor, I felt it was vitally important to let Rutland City residents know where I stand on this issue. For background, while I attended Mt. Saint Joseph Academy, my mother and three siblings attended Rutland High School. From the beginning, I have been disturbed by how this issue has been handled — particularly in…

Thank you BRSU school board members

February 3, 2021
Dear Editor, Serving as a school board member can be a thankless undertaking. The hours take you away from your family. The issues sometimes can put you at odds with your friends and neighbors. Financial reward? Forget about it. Despite what may sound like an unappealing package, residents of our community step forward each year…

Welcome to trashy America

February 3, 2021
Dear Editor, America has become a trashy nation. We are embroiled in trashy politics. We have trashy law enforcement and trashy criminal justice, where the rich and white get better treatment. Our education systems have become trashy, lacking in civics education and focused as they are on low-bar academics. Religion has become trashy because it…

Sweden offers lesson in higher ed funding

February 3, 2021
Dear Editor, President Biden is absolutely correct in starting the process to reform the American higher education system. Simply forgiving loans and making higher education “free” is fraught with fundamental issues and will only lead to financial disaster unless tuition reform becomes part of a bigger plan hopefully based perhaps on the extremely successful Swedish…

Stop travel, stop Covid-19

January 27, 2021
Dear Editor, In 2020 I lost my wife and the mother of my children to Covid. Now Arizona is the hottest spot on the planet for Covid. There is only one way Covid is transported and that is by people, and maybe animals. Stop the flow of people, and you stop Covid. Arizona, and warmer…

Tips for registering for a Covid vaccine online

January 27, 2021
Dear Editor, This morning I signed up online for the Covid vaccination being scheduled now for the 75-and-over age group. I offer my experience for those considering the online option. You don’t have to be highly adept at online registration but it helps to be somewhat acquainted with the way online forms work. There is…

Most politicians don’t know what’s in the Constitution

January 27, 2021
Dear Editor, Republicans talk about the Constitution like they know what’s in it. They don’t. Most think the Constitution explicitly demands implementation of their political agenda, things like tax breaks for the rich, freedom from masks, special policing for minority areas, and keeping immigrants out of the country. It doesn’t. There are some things in…

Don’t think for yourself, just take the vaccine! 

January 27, 2021
Dear Editor, I’m curious as to why locals were subjected to an inflammatory and poorly written Letter to the Editor [“Take the Vaccine!”] authored by an individual from Woods Cross, Utah, in the Jan. 12-19 edition of the Mountain Times. Of all the other “Letters” to choose from, why this one? Given its lack of…

Leopards don’t change their spots

January 20, 2021
Dear Editor, Today we have political Reds and political Blues. One party is out for blood—you can guess which one—and the other is not. We think that the ones out for blood will lose because they are in the minority. But a century ago, in a far away land, there were political Reds and political…

3 things parents don’t want to miss for next school year

January 20, 2021
Dear Editor, Yes, it’s January, not June, and you may feel like you’re finally settling into a routine during a challenging school year. But as the saying goes, “The secret to getting ahead is getting started.” Despite the disruptions of Covid-19, January is the ideal time to check in with your child about your school…

An assault on the American way of life

January 20, 2021
Dear Editor, The events of Jan. 6, 2021 in the nation’s capitol represent the culmination of a widespread revolutionary assault on the American way of life. The assault has been directed at all three branches of government: the executive branches of the 50 state governments, which are responsible for election security; state and federal judiciaries;…

Trump and fascists attempt coup in DC, unions need to fight!

January 13, 2021
Dear Editor, On Jan. 6, 2021, thousands of neo-fascist Trump loyalists converged on Washington with the aim of forcing the annulment of the November election (which Democrat Joe Biden won by 7 million votes). There they were met by Donald Trump himself who addressed the mob, falsely claiming that he won, that he would never…