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Tour de Slate raised $64K

September 1, 2021
Dear Editor, Yep! You read it right! The 2021 ride itself raised $32,000 and then it was matched by a generous anonymous donor! So total benefit to Teen Challenge is $64,000! Thank you! Thank You! and again Thank You! Your kindness and generosity will obviously go a long way in helping to change lives from…

Hunting bears with hounds harms many species

September 1, 2021
Dear Editor, Many of us in Vermont do not look forward to the bear hunt that begins Sept. 1 and runs through mid-November. It’s one of the longest in the country. Vermont allows bears to be pierced with arrows, shot from trees, hunted with packs of hounds, just to name a few horrors. Females with…

Frustrated with Bridgewater’s elected officials

September 1, 2021
Dear Editor, I read with interest and disappointment your lead article on the controversy at the Bridgewater Select Board meeting. The disappointment is that we did not expect our local government to emulate what sadly enough we are seeing on the national scene. One would think that the simplicity of the issues and the immediate…

If the city owned CSJ, many needs would be fulfilled

August 25, 2021
Dear editor, During last Wednesday’s community meeting on Aug. 11 in Rutland’s gym at St. Joseph’s College, there were many stupendous ideas expressed on ways to spend the initial $4.4 million Covid funds that will be coming to Rutland City. Rutland Free Library needs money to modernize the building and its technology. Main Street Park…

Catamount? Panther? What’d I see?

August 18, 2021
Dear Editor, My wife and I were driving along River Road in Killington, Sunday evening, Aug. 15, around 6:15 p.m., about one mile farther down from the Killington town hall (on the dirt road). We spotted what looked like a black cat with a very long tail. We were traveling about 15 mph, enjoying the…

Choose Vermont dairy

August 11, 2021
Dear Editor, Summer is synonymous with creemees, and well-timed ones at that. Dairy, as an industry, has supported Vermonters for 150 years. Summer is a wonderful time to celebrate the food that dairy provides, and the hardworking families who have produced that food while stewarding the land and landscape that sets Vermont apart from so many…

Correcting two decades of harm in school finance

August 11, 2021
Dear Editor, Education finance in Vermont is an often hard-to-understand and quite complex system. Act 59 of 2021 created the Task Force on the Implementation of the Pupil Weighting Factors Report, a group of eight Vermont legislators who will spend time this summer, as the name implies, determining the best path forward to implement the…

High-quality child care is a unifying challenge

August 11, 2021
Dear Editor, Virtually every business owner or manager Green Mountain Economic Development Corp. works with as the regional development corporation for Windsor and Orange counties, cites the lack of decent housing and child care as the most important factors hampering recovery from Covid. We believe this is true throughout New England and beyond. Both were…

A new and essential kind of hospitality

August 5, 2021
Dear editor, Recently I had the opportunity to tour the newly repurposed Cortina Inn, the beautiful property that my wife Breda and I owned for 33 years, which is now under the management of a family that is now offering a new kind of hospitality — perhaps the most essential kind. Long known for Sunday…

It’s time to rise up, defend liberty from government

July 28, 2021
Dear Editor, Since Dec. 2018, “Vermonters for Vermont” Initiative has been talking about educating every Vermonter about freedom, liberty, individualism, independence, innovation and personal responsibility. We have been defending and promoting our Constitution, free markets and taking risks. We have been working to educate and encourage Vermonters to learn what Montpelier and local governments are…

Divest from TD Bank

July 22, 2021
Dear Editor, You may have seen some of your neighbors in front of TD Bank on Bonnet St. (Route 30 in Manchester) holding signs. You may have asked yourself: “Why are they there? What are they protesting? What do they want?” I’d like to answer those questions. We are there because TD Bank is one…

Administration is the major driver of health care costs

July 22, 2021
Dear Editor, In Michael Long’s letter “OneCare is not the problem with Vermont’s health care” published in the July 7 edition, he asserts that “fee-for-service … is the reason health care in the U.S. is the most expensive, but not the most effective.” That’s a questionable claim at best. Canada, for example, largely continues to rely on…

Advice for newcomers to Vermont

July 14, 2021
Dear Editor, I’m writing this, to welcome you new residents to Vermont. It’s been an intense year and a half; I’m sure you must feel relieved and grateful for having been able to find refuge and make a new start during such a challenging time. I, better than most, know what it’s like to pick…

State must correct student weighting formula

July 14, 2021
Dear Editor, Education finance in Vermont is an often hard to understand and quite complex system. Act 59 of 2021 created the “Task Force on the Implementation of the Pupil Weighting Factors Report,” a group of eight Vermont Legislators who will spend time this sum- mer, as the name implies, determining the best path forward to implement the recommendations…

Slow down those vehicles

July 14, 2021
Dear Editor, I have never understood why vehicles needed to be able to go so fast. First, it could cut down on high-speed chases and crashes. For police, this could mean less time monitoring for speeders and focusing on more important things. Obviously you can go 60 mph in a 25-mph zone and still injure yourself…