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Beware of scammers

December 8, 2021
Dear editor, Scammers are getting even more imaginative in their attempts to separate you from your money. One technique they use – successfully – is to pretend they are a legitimate business or service soliciting information from you so you can get something you want or think you need... or give you false protection you…

Federal review was wasteful

December 8, 2021
Dear editor, We recently learned that the federal government has notified the state of Vermont that the enrollment targets for all-payer model (and thus the Accountable Care Organization, One-Care) are both “unattainable” and “unnecessary.” This is an entirely new way to set standards. Imagine if a professor or teacher tells her students they need to…

Save lives, give blood

December 1, 2021
Dear Editor, It sometimes feels like no one wants to agree on anything these days — from national politics to the most local of issues. So, I’m writing to offer your readers an antidote to some of the negativity, divisiveness, anger, and suspicion that may seem so pervasive: The opportunity to participate in the 2021…

Responding to 2019 article “Judge buries quarry squabble”

December 1, 2021
Dear Editor, We recently found the March 6-12, 2019 article “Judge buries quarry squabble” by Julia Purdy and Lani Duke. This reported on a court case in a dispute between a group of Cavendish Tierney Road residents and the owners of land at the top of the road, Justin and Maureen Savage, who want to…

Vermont primary care practices feel the squeeze

November 24, 2021
Dear Editor, I have been a solo, independent pediatrician for 32 years at Green Mountain Pediatrics, located in Bennington. I have always strived to use best practices with some healthy common sense in the care of my kids. I love being a part of these children’s growth and maturity, helping their families navigate parenthood. I…

Let’s beat this thing!

November 24, 2021
Dear Editor, The Rutland region has been running an elevated number of Covid cases. It has never been more important that we all pull together to reduce spread and end this pandemic. It is essential for our health, well-being, and our economy. As we write this, the Legislature and governor are discussing plans to allow…

Ripton seeks educational equity

November 17, 2021
Dear Editor, In an Addison Independent article last week regarding Ripton’s withdrawal from the Addison Central School District, Oliver Olsen said: Other communities contemplating similar activity should view Ripton’s experience as a cautionary tale and should consider postponing any withdrawal actions. In effect, the chairman of the Vermont Board of Education warned Vermont citizens against…

Why we are vaccinating our children?

November 17, 2021
Dear Editor, The Covid pandemic has continued to drag on for nearly two years, changing all of our lives in ways great and small. For our two daughters, ages 5 and 7, this pandemic has lasted for a significant portion of their lives. This was most evident when we first went to the local library…

Gov. Scott, give towns the tools to protect their residents

November 10, 2021
Dear Editor, The recent news that Vermont experienced 487 Covid cases on Thursday, Nov. 4, breaking the all-time record by more than 100 cases, was extremely disheartening even to the most optimistic Vermonters. Friday followed on its heels with 377 new cases and a 3.3% positivity rate. With more than 90% of eligible Vermonters vaccinated,…

Fluoride should be removed from Rutland City’s public water

November 10, 2021
Dear Editor, Here is a recap of the Nov. 1 Rutland Aldermen meeting, as it pertains to my request that the board take a fresh look at fluoridation of the city water supply. I believe this issue is important, as indicated by a significant turnout of people. All members of the public who spoke were…

Solution for all the “Phoners” driving around

November 3, 2021
Dear Editor, Phoners, that’s the term I coined for those people that have decided it’s their god-given right to drive and phone at the same time. I have been the near victim to these phoners five times in as many years. Lucky for me I have quick reflexes and I was paying attention. As recently…

Consider a career in public health

November 3, 2021
Dear Editor, As Health Careers Awareness Month in Vermont ends, it's time to keep up the buzz around the importance of health careers in our state. Vermont has among the highest shortages of medical professionals in the nation per capita, and the Covid-19 pandemic has exacerbated an already stressed and depleted health workforce. The need…

Why we are not moving to Vt

October 27, 2021
Dear Editor, Editor’s note: this is an open letter to Gov. Scott and Vermont Fish & Wildlife. My husband and I are hoping to relocate to New England next year. Vermont was our first choice. However, in researching the state’s regulations governing wildlife, we decided, regrettably, Vermont was not for us. My husband and I…

Fear dairy this Halloween

October 27, 2021
Dear Editor, Little scares me about Halloween or trick-or-treating. Ghosts, zombies, skeletons and witches have nothing on all the milk ingredients in candy and the frightening truth about the dairy industry. This is the industry that has spent billions convincing humans that drinking the milk of another species is okay. This is the industry that…

My daughter understands better than the governor

October 20, 2021
Dear Editor, This is in direct response to the article “Monkey Wrench: How the Delta Variant Caught Vermont Off Guard,” published in the Mountain Times Oct. 6. Why do case counts remain stubbornly high, despite vaccination of so many eligible Vermonters? Community spread. Without pairing vaccines with other mitigation measures, cases will increase or remain…