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Is there ever a valid reason for abortion?
June 15, 2022
Dear Editor, Why are those Vermont legislators who sponsor bill after bill to recognize fetal personhood and insist on legal protections for women and preborn babies con- sistently stonewalled, their bills never making it out of committee? It’s time to vote out of office those who deny protections for and refuse to recognizethesanctityand equality of…
Celebrate July 4 with games at Woodstock Union High School and support the humane society
June 15, 2022
Dear Editor, On July 4, Woodstock will once again celebrate Independence Day outside at the Woodstock Union High School. This is truly one of the best celebrations in Windsor County, featuring live entertainment, a spectacular firework display, food, and a variety of games for kids by VT Volunteer Services for Animals Humane Society (VVSA). This…
A simple question
June 15, 2022
Dear Editor, Regarding the onset of human life, a previous writer did not want to be constrained with “religious opinion," so I present a simple question: If the little person in the womb is not alive, why must an “abortion provider” kill him or her? Steve Briggs, Chittenden
National pet preparedness month
June 8, 2022
Dear Editor, June is National Pet Preparedness Month — which is all about preparing an emergency plan that includes your pet. They are important members of the family! Here’s how to prepare for a disaster or unexpected situation with your pet in mind. This plan will help in case you need to evacuate your area,…
Increase legislative pay, benefits?
June 8, 2022
Dear Editor, As a former legislator, I understand and appreciate departing legislators’ complaints about pay and benefits. And, as a former legislator, I hope turnover based on complaints about legislative pay and benefits continues with every biennium. How can these two apparently conflicting positions be held? In 1988 I was elected to the first of…
Let’s take a stand against racism
June 1, 2022
Dear Editor, When I was a teenager, after reading the “Diary of Anne Frank,” I always asked myself if I had lived in Germany in the 1930s, would I have spoken up and done the right thing. Right now is my 1930s. On May 14, 10 innocent lives were taken by a white supremacist and…
TIF, development agreements should eliminate financial risk to taxpayers
June 1, 2022
Dear Editor, Editor’s note: the following are comments Killington resident Art Malatzky submitted at the VEPC meeting held Thursday, May 26 in Killington. Thank you for the opportunity to speak today. When I spoke at the Jan. 27 VEPC hearing on the original TIF application, I was dead set against the application for several reasons,…
Why I, Chris Winters, am running for secretary of state
May 25, 2022
Dear Editor, In a few short weeks, at the end of June, absentee ballots will be available and Vermonters will begin casting their votes to determine party nominees for the fall elections. With so many candidates running, you may not hear much about the secretary of state’s race. I urge you to take a closer…
Prop. 5/Article 22 is far beyond the claims of Governor Scott
May 25, 2022
Dear Editor, On May 3, Gov. Phil Scott promised in a public statement, “The fundamental rights and liberties of all women will be defended, protected and preserved in Vermont”. Scott referenced Act 47 which codified women’s reproductive rights without government interference. Therefore, if the Supreme Court’s final decision is to send Roe v. Wade back…
How ranked choice voting can save our elections
May 18, 2022
Dear Editor, The spoiler effect — a problem that we know all too well, yet too little about. Each time the presidential election comes around we are met with the inevitable frustration and disillusionment caused by our two-party system. Instead of voting for who we truly believe in, we often cast our ballots for whomever…
Why stop Covid reporting?
May 18, 2022
Dear Editor, I can’t understand why Vermont will stop updating its Covid dashboard. Everything Health Commissioner Mark Levine says about this sounds dangerous and contradictory. How can the absence of daily Covid reports when Covid is on the rise again be beneficial to our awareness of the dangers and spread of the disease? Erin Petenko's…
Supreme Court balance requires additional justices
May 18, 2022
Dear Editor, When Donald Trump was in office, he and Mitch McConnell made three lifetime appointments to the Supreme Court. McConnell went so far as to defy Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s dying wish — that the next president appoint her replacement — by packing the Court with Amy Coney Barrett just eight days before the 2020…
May 11, 2022
I don’t know whether to ride my mower or push my snow-blower. Given what April brings to us. A drift, a daffodil. A decision better left to not deciding. Letting the sun do what it will by the end of the afternoon. Letting the grass stick through. Letting the blades decide to mow or throw…
I’m running for governor
May 11, 2022
Dear Editor, I am Peter Duval and I am a candidate for governor of Vermont. If you are concerned about climate, carbon offsetting and trading, food self-sufficiency, the cost of living, mass extinction, or the war in Ukraine then this may be the campaign for you. The campaign will question assumptions and rationalizations, and connect…
Castleton University’s ‘Carmina Burana,’ delights
May 11, 2022
Dear Editor, If you missed the performance of “Carmina Burana,” you missed a unique musical treat. I took in the performance at the Casella Theater at Castleton University on April 30. This is one of my all-time favorite choral works and this performance did not disappoint. The Castleton Unversity Chorale, Rutland Area Chorus, Cimonetti Treble…