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Pomfret: vote ‘no’ on Article 2

February 25, 2022
Dear Editor, Pomfret Voters: Please consider voting “No” on Article 2. [The article asks: Shall the voters change the 1-year terms of the two additional Selectboard members to staggered 2-year terms? (Note: If adopted, this article will take effect as of the 2023 annual meeting.)] The premise for Article 2 is to avoid the potential…

Wording of Prop. 5 is problematic

February 16, 2022
Dear Editor, The Vermont House has advanced Prop. 5, a proposed constitutional amendment to guarantee a so-called right to “personal reproductive autonomy,” which includes abortion. While portrayed by advocates as a simple proposal to preserve abortion rights in case Roe v. Wade is overturned, the reality is much different. Unlike Roe v. Wade, Prop. 5…

Drafters of Prop. 5 messed up

February 16, 2022
Dear Editor, Proposal 5 is a proposed amendment to the Vermont State Constitution that its supporters say is necessary to protect a woman’s right to an abortion. Unfortunately, it is becoming apparent that the wording of Proposal 5 is so convoluted and vague that it might actually have the opposite impact on a woman’s right…

Challenges highlight community’s strengths

February 16, 2022
Dear Editor, With Covid-19 and a harsh winter as a backdrop, I’m writing to provide two bright spots that speak to the positive nature of this community. One is a blood drive fully booked more than a month in advance, the other a fundraiser for the Community Cupboard that has already inspired dozens of donations…

Special interests aren’t your interest

February 16, 2022
Dear Editor, Now that I have announced my candidacy for lieutenant governor as a Republican for our great and beautiful state of Vermont, I have many questions for the current leadership of our Legislature. We need to learn from those missteps from this session and the past. We need to do a better job for…

Prop. 5 is a Pandora’s box

February 16, 2022
Dear Editor, Changing our Vermont Constitution is no small matter. The last time chapter 1 of our constitution was amended was in 1786. The stated purpose of Pop. 5 is to ensure that every Vermonter is afforded personal reproductive liberty, in the article itself it uses the words, “The right to personal reproductive autonomy.” There…

Vermont: Stop sending toilet compost to landfills

February 9, 2022
Dear Editor, As Vermont embarks on its climate action plan, how are our toilets helping us get to the sustainable future we need? Compost toilet systems can protect water resources, complete the nutrient cycle, and even help build climate resilience. Many Vermonters use composting toilets to safely and affordably transform their human waste into a…

A plan for the former College of St. Joseph

February 9, 2022
Dear Editor, Before the Covid pandemic, theater and live music were doing OK in Rutland. Many of the local performing artists were part of that “gig economy” and were making a living playing the Killington entertainment scene, while holding day jobs in the food & travel industry which both shut down with Covid. Now, a…

We can take more steps to prevent child sex abuse

February 2, 2022
Dear Editor, Tens of thousands of children are victims of sexual abuse and exploitation in the U.S. every year — in their homes, communities and online. Covid-19 has created a perfect storm for unprecedented levels of abuse by trapping children at home with their abusers and children are also spending an unprecedented amount of time…

Remarks to VEPC

February 2, 2022
Dear Editor, Editor’s note: The following letter is an adaptation of the testimony Art Malatzky gave to the Vermont Economic Progress Council (VEPC) on Jan. 27. VEPC is considering the town of Killington’s application to utilize future incremental municipal and education property tax revenue to finance debt, if approved by the voters and incurred for…

Students not safe in school

January 26, 2022
Dear Editor, I’m terrified to go to school. That’s really nothing new — I’m from a generation raised on school shooter drills, told that a strap on a door would protect us and that if all else failed, our books could be shields. Expect the worst-case scenario; any learning environment could be a war zone…

Vote ‘no’ on Prop. 5

January 26, 2022
Dear Editor, The Vermont Medical Society states that “no abortion providers in Vermont perform elective abortions in the third trimester.” However, their claim seems terribly disingenuous considering that prop 5 sets no time limits, but allows for unrestricted, unregulated abortion for any reason right up to the moment of birth. If they feel so strongly…

Thanks for the Humane Society donations

January 19, 2022
Dear Editor, We’d like to take this opportunity to thank those that very kindly and generously contributed money to help with the recent animal and neglect situations which VVSA Humane Society had been addressing these last couple of months. Donations were used to provide veterinary care, medical treatment, food and neutering some of the neglected…

Students: Curriculums need to include race

January 19, 2022
Dear Editor, H 584 was just introduced in the Legislature. As Vermont high school students who worked closely on creating and developing this bill, we hope it will move swiftly through the Legislature and be passed into law. As schools across the country debate over teaching about race in the classroom, there couldn’t be a…

Vt. pediatricians support policies to adapt school testing and contact tracing

January 19, 2022
Dear Editor, The American Academy of Pediatrics Vermont Chapter (AAPVT) supports the direction that the Agency of Education is moving in adapting contact tracing and surveillance testing practices. The proposed model will only be successful with easy access to and adequate availability of rapid tests for all students, educators and school staff.  Keeping children safe is…