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New train service doesn’t seem like a wise investment

August 10, 2022
Dear Editor, After reading about the new train service between Burlington and Rutland and seeing the cost, I began thinking. The cost of taking a taxi from Burlington to Rutland is about $150. For the price of constructing the new rail service, Vermonters could have taken 1.18 million taxi rides between the two cities. The…

I’m voting David Singer for assistant judge

August 3, 2022
Dear Editor, My friend David Singer is running for assistant judge, a position he held for eight years before retiring in 2012 to be a grandfather and resume his position in the family business as a producer on Broadway. The man has incredible energy and I might note that he and his group won more…

Are we prepared for long Covid?

August 3, 2022
Dear Editor, Are we prepared to help the many, many people who have lingering health problems from a Covid infection? Long Covid means health problems linger for weeks, months, or years after a Covid infection. Symptoms include but are not limited to brain fog, profound fatigue, exercise intolerance, and shortness of breath. How many “long…

Elect Battista for sherriff

August 3, 2022
Dear Editor, In researching the candidates running for sheriff, facts came to light that are cause for concern. Earlier, on Ryan Palmer’s website, he had posted a photo of himself holding an AR 15 semi-automatic, rapid-fire, assault rifle, an advocate of a weapon whose capability of mass destruction is a given, as used most recently…

Four women I adore

August 3, 2022
Dear Editor, One way you can judge a person is by those they adore. Here are four women I adore and why. Camille Paglia is an American feminist who is unafraid to write what she believes and could care less what her critics say. She might be described as a supremely courageous example of an…

Vermont is too expensive because of the Legislature

July 27, 2022
Dear Editor, The No. 1 issue facing Vermonters is the state of our economy. As Bill Clinton once said, “It’s the economy, stupid.” I fault the Democratic leadership and legislators who voted' yes' on the annual budget. Yes, there are items in the budget that are needed, but the overspending is out of pace with…

Thanks for help with animals

July 27, 2022
Dear Editor, Vermont Volunteer Services for Animals Humane Society would like to thank all the people that volunteered at our annual July 4 festivities in Woodstock. Thanks to friends and volunteers who were able to pull it off for another year! If any nonprofit organization would like to take over this event, we can assure…

Silver Lake hut shortcircuits public comment

July 20, 2022
Dear Editor, The recent proposal by Vermont Huts Association (VHA) and Moosalamoo Association (MA) to construct a hut next to Silver Lake in the Moosalamoo National Recreation and Education Area in Leicester (Addison County) reveals numerous problems with the USDA/forest service’s management of the Green Mountain National Forest (GMNF). Pitched as connecting trails and establishing…

Vt’s population, though small, has an environmental impact

July 20, 2022
Dear Editor, As a resident of Vermont and a student intern with the Vermont Public Health Association, it was distressing to learn that some Vermonters believe that because our state is small, our efforts to combat climate change are futile. If smaller communities use their size as an excuse to remain stagnant surrounding climate issues,…

Letter writer doesn’t understand Second Amendment

July 20, 2022
Dear Editor, This is in response to George De Luna’s letter of July 12. In it, he repeatedly refers to “God-given” rights. Passing over his total lack of evidence for the existence of any supernatural being, let’s look to see how many times this term occurs in the Constitution. Hmmm, well no “God-given,” but maybe…

On the road again with your pets

July 13, 2022
Dear Editor, With pandemic restrictions easing, most people are anxious to get away on a vacation and want to include their pets. Bringing along your pet can be stressful though —for both of you. Advance planning, proper restraint, and helping them with their motion sickness and anxiety surrounding travel can help. First, contact your veterinarian…

Guns are not the problem

July 13, 2022
Dear Editor, In response to Linda Johnson’s letter " Child abuse is preventable and gun violence is child abuse," published in the Mountain Times last month, guns, per se, are not the problem. We didn’t have this problem 50 years ago. The problem is a decaying morality that is prevalent in this country. The AR-15…

The whole Earth is now in our hands

July 13, 2022
Dear Editor, It wasn’t long ago when we listened for decisions rendered by the Supreme Court of the United States with hope that the court’s rulings would reflect justice for all, and a jurisprudence imbued with compassion and concern for the greater good. This hope now seems misplaced, if not quaint, in light of last…

Time to restore sanity to court

July 7, 2022
Dear Editor, To overturn a bad Supreme Court decision, the same thing, that has just been done, has to be done again. Usually start with a new court line of justices, more favorable to the change. Then start a new case to go to the SCOTUS. The allowance for abortions was made 50 years ago…

Animals should be free

July 7, 2022
Dear Editor, When we think about our independence and freedom in the United States, I wonder how many people think of the freedom of farmed animals. There are currently 1.6 billion animals in our nation’s 25,000 factory farms who often never see the light of day. Cows, chickens, pigs and more are subjected to unnecessary…