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Keep your lawn friendly to pollinators

May 24, 2023
  Dear Editor, After a protracted winter and fickle spring, the sunlight has dried off the dew. Idle hours lie ahead. Put earmuffs on to deaden the roar of the mower. Repeat passes out from the house to the edge of the property, leaving behind a carpet of green.  Who would attempt to disrupt this…

SCOTUS needs ethics reform

May 18, 2023
  Dear Editor, The Supreme Court has a serious ethics problem, and the latest revelations about Clarence Thomas should be alarming to every American. For 20 years, Thomas has accepted high-end, luxury, all-expense-paid vacations around the world from Republican megadonor Harlan Crow. And he never disclosed any of it to the public. What’s more, he…

Elections have consequences 

May 18, 2023
  Dear Editor, The  Vermont legisl ative session for 2023 has come to an end. There is no good news for those few Vermonters that might expect their elected representatives to respect our hard earned tax dollars. The Democrat supermajority has passed an $8.5 billion dollar budget, the largest in the history of the state.…

The underlying issue with S.5: The means whereby

May 18, 2023
  Dear Editor,  Only three years after red-tagging above ground heating oil tanks for replacement to the tune of $1,800-$2,400, S.5, called the Clean Heat Act or the Affordable Heat Act, is adding another heating-related headache to Vermont households and buildings that requires the removal of heating oil tanks altogether. S.5 states right up front…

Religous school funding up for debate

May 10, 2023
Dear Editor, In early May, during a discussion of H.483, a bill that would define Vermont’s response to the Carson v. Makin decision, Senate Education Chair Brian Campion said “Given all the issues we have in this state, this is the biggest most important bill for them? I expected better. I would much rather be…

Vermont needs universal health care

May 10, 2023
Dear Editor, Earlier last month (April 2023), after mentioning certain health care related matters and needs to my counseling therapist, they asked me about my going to a primary care physician in order to address these health issues of mine. When I informed them that I have not had a primary care doctor for several…

GunSense celebrates progress of suicide prevention bill

May 10, 2023
Dear Editor, GunSense Vermont, the state’s leading organization working to reduce gun violence, is thrilled to celebrate the recent Vermont Senate passage of H.230, a suicide prevention bill. This critical legislation, which has now passed the Vermont House and Senate with overwhelming support, will help save lives by creating a 72-hour waiting period and safe…

Be vigilant about new heat bill 

May 10, 2023
Dear Editor, Mary Shelley wrote a classic novel titled,” Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus." The novel tells the story of Victor Frankenstein a brilliant scientist who becomes obsessed with learning the secret of life something that no one else had ever uncovered. He finally discovers it and uses the secret to create a being called,…

Vermont’s education system is a mess

April 26, 2023
  Dear Editor, The new Career and Technical Education report from outside consultants strengthens the argument that Vermont’s education system is a mess.  After over 40 years teaching and helping to plan education reforms around the world, I believe that Vermont’s continuing commitment to fixing what’s broken in different silos of the system and within those silos…

Rutland South Rotary Club is rounding up Roundup

April 26, 2023
Dear Editor,  Rutland South Rotary Club is doing its part to protect the environment by starting with a roundup of the poisonous weed killer Roundup. They are asking those who have containers of Roundup sitting in their garages, basements, or sheds, empty or with some quantity left, to please bring them to the Vermont Farmers…

Thank you to volunteers

April 26, 2023
Dear Editor, April is volunteer appreciation month, and Girl Scouts of the Green and White Mountains wants every person who volunteers for us to know that we appreciate them. We have more than 4,000 volunteers across New Hampshire and Vermont who give generously of their time and talent to ensure that Girl Scouts are encouraged…

Let’s regulate heating fuels

April 26, 2023
Dear Editor,  The Vermont Sierra Club supports the passage of S.5, the Affordable Heat Act (AHA). We appreciate the hard work of representatives and senators to move this important policy forward. We believe that the governor must act now to send this proposal to the Public Utilities Commission and don’t delay any further in transitioning…

Killington Select Board clarifies status of KSAR

April 19, 2023
Dear Editor,  In response to several letters and articles posted over the last 6+ weeks regarding the transition of Killington Fire and Rescue, First Response, and Killington Search and Rescue, we feel it is necessary to clarify the status of all groups.  Currently, Killington Fire and Rescue and First Response are operating within the guidelines…

Are 4/20 events a bad influence on youth?

April 19, 2023
Dear Editor, Recreational marijuana is legal in Vermont. 4/20 Day promotes a growing industry nationwide. Cannabis companies leverage the day as another opportunity to promote the industry and its products, similar to alcohol companies during the Super Bowl or St. Patrick’s Day.   These events have long moved past being counterculture protests. It’s a growing…

Keep books in libraries 

April 19, 2023
Dear Editor,  As members of the Vermont Antiquarian Booksellers Association, we have dedicated a portion of our lives to the care of used and rare books.  Our shops exist to aggregate good books and to find suitable homes for each. Unsurprisingly, we were horrified to learn of the state university administration’s decision to eliminate physical…