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Give blood, give life

December 6, 2023
  Dear Editor, As the 20th anniversary of the Gift-of-Life Marathon approaches, incredible memories have come flowing back. From the year Rutland set out to collect 1,000 pints, the effort captured in the documentary “The Blood in This Town,” to breaking New England and national records, there are so many great moments to recall. One…

A stronger state economy and Vermont Chamber’s 2024 legislative priorities

December 6, 2023
By Megan Sullivan Editor’s note: Megan Sullivan, of Jericho, is the vice president of government affairs for the Vermont Chamber of Commerce. Last year at this time, the Vermont Chamber of Commerce shared that “amid a nation more divided than ever, Vermont remains a leader in unity, particularly when it comes to agreeing on the top issues…

‘Not acceptable’

December 6, 2023
  That was how Governor Scott responded to the Nov. 30 letter from the Tax Commissioner, which projected an 18.5% increase in the average statewide education property tax rate for next year. The annual letter, required by law, bases the increase on an estimated 12% hike in school budgets and revenue forecasts for the state’s…

State needs new voting option

November 29, 2023
  Dear Editor, Last year, the Vermont Senate advanced a bill to bring Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) to presidential primaries, beginning in 2028. This bill had support from the three parties and the Vermont Secretary of State. But the Vermont House needs to act. Our current “choose one” voting system leaves many voters with no…

Why can’t we celebrate who we are as a people?

November 29, 2023
  Dear Editor, It is sad to see the ongoing media coverage about who is a “real” Indian and who makes the determination. All of these commentaries just continue to show that civility, acceptance of others’ lived experiences, and the uplifting of communities are so desperately needed in today’s society. Just when we thought that…

Government should equalize Social Security hikes

November 29, 2023
  Dear Editor, The better off get better off and the less fortunate get less fortunate. Every year the Social Security Administration (SSA) gives us elder people on Social Security a cost-of-living increase, or COLA. It is always in the form of a percentage increase. I’ve been on Social Security for over 10 years and…

Leave turkeys off the table

November 22, 2023
  Dear Editor, In the U.S. alone, 46,000,000 turkeys are killed for Thanksgiving. These innocent animal lives were taken for no reason. Of the 245,000,000 turkeys killed in the U.S. in 2022, nearly all were raised in crowded toxic fume-filled sheds, and their talons and beaks were violently clipped to prevent stress-induced aggression. At only…

Schools need a community of trust, creativity and productivity

November 22, 2023
  Dear Editor, I am glad to read that the State Board of Education is reconsidering its array of anti-discrimination rules. The purpose of these, in my view, is not well served by a lot of recent thinking and policymaking. To me, the overall purpose that schools should keep to is the nurturing of a…

There’s no Caroline Woodruff to save Castleton now

November 22, 2023
  Dear Editor, When the Old Seminary building of Castleton Normal School burned down over winter break in January 1924, the fate of the school seemed set on a course for closure. This was until the educational and financial prowess of Principal Caroline Woodruff saved the institution.  Just as it was in 1924, it seems…

Bad policies leave Americans unsafe 

November 15, 2023
  Dear Editor, On Nov. 2, Sens. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) introduced a bill to amend title 18, U.S. code, to “prevent the bulk sales of ammunition, promote recordkeeping and reporting about ammunition, end ammunition straw purchasing and require a background check before the transfer of ammunition by certain Federal Firearms licensees…

Law enforcement needs strong legislative leadership

November 15, 2023
  Dear Editor, There are signs calling for lawmakers to show strong leadership to support law enforcement efforts across our state. You just have to listen to what was said at the Nov. 2 Rutland City Town Hall Public Safety meeting and at the Rutland City Board of Alderman Meeting on Nov. 6. Then take…

Dr. Dynasaur pays for Covid vaccinations only in a doctor’s office

November 15, 2023
  Dear Editor, At the end of September, I talked to my daughter’s pediatrician about getting a current Covid vaccination for my 12-year-old daughter. The office told me (which I know to be true, having heard this from Health Commissioner Mark Levine through many news outlets) that the state has prioritized doling out vaccinations to…

Tom Fagan, Rutland’s Halloween Parade and me

November 8, 2023
Dear Editor,  I knew Tom Fagan really well. But I never met him in person! Despite that fact, he is the reason I was in Rutland’s Annual Halloween Parade this year (2023)! Let me explain: I grew up in a little seashore resort town called Wildwood Crest, New Jersey, located near the southern tip of…

Extended female menopause is uniquely human

November 8, 2023
Dear Editor,  For years, I often have asked people conversationally the question, “What is the one thing that notably separates humans from most other animals?” Some answers included bipedalism, brain size, religion, etc. At no time, however, did any woman or man answer, “menopause.”  Menopause is a natural evolutionary selection in human females with profound…

Cragin’s Gun Shop in Rutland raises funds to fight back on gun laws 

November 8, 2023
  Dear Editor, In late June, The Vermont Federation of Sportsman Club announced it was building a war chest to file challenges against Vermont’s existing high-capacity magazine ban, as well as a new 72-hour waiting period that was just passed this year.   We at Cragin’s Gun Shop in Rutland are confident that neither of…