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Why this Democrat wants a strong Republican Party
September 21, 2016
By Lee H. Hamilton I’ve been a Democrat all my life. But that doesn’t mean I favor a weak Republican Party. Indeed, just the opposite. Before my Democratic friends drum me out of the party, let me explain why. Our nation is stronger and our representative democracy healthier when we have two strong parties. A…
Facts matter: Jobs and the economy
September 21, 2016
By Doug Hoffer Voters receive a lot of information during campaigns and it’s important to check the facts. For example, Lt. Governor Scott recently said “We’ve lost nearly 2,500 workers per year since 2010” (Aug. 31, Burlington Free Press). This is true, but misleading. Workers are part of the labor force, which consists of those…
Go organic, Vt. dairy farmers need new business model
September 14, 2016
By Roger Allbee The Vermont dairy industry is again reeling from low commodity prices, caused by overproduction, a glut of imports, challenges in our export markets, and poor economic growth. The stark reality is that the current pricing mechanism for non-organic milk, in place since the 1930s, and other constraints results in an unfavorable longer…
Social media’s challenge to democracy
September 7, 2016
By Lee H. Hamilton I’ve been involved in politics for the better part of a lifetime and have spoken at a lot of public meetings over the years. There’s one question, I think, that I’ve heard more than any other: “If I want to be an informed citizen, which sources of information should I consult?”…
The media’s responsibility to our democracy
August 31, 2016
By Lee H. Hamilton Politicians spend a good bit of their time complaining about the media. But why should they have all the fun? I’m going to join in, though I tend to get upset about different things than most sitting politicians do. You see, I don’t actually mind when journalists—whether in print, on television…
A rebellion against Trump
August 24, 2016
By Angelo S. Lynn In a rare development, members of a major political party are rising up against its presidential nominee in growing numbers. Among these is a well-known grass-roots group of Republicans, called, which has posted its endorsement for Democrat Hillary Clinton. It is signed by “a raft of Republicans who have served in GOP…
“The Vermont Way” to win or lose an election
August 18, 2016
By Jon Margolis, OK, Vermont. You’re still special. At least for now, at least when it comes to politics. “Attack ads don’t work here” is the oft-repeated Vermont boast. In other states, Vermonters like to say, candidates can get elected by tearing down their opponents. Not here, where folks demand civility of their politicians.…
Defining the Olympic spirit
August 18, 2016
By Angelo S. Lynn These Olympic games may be the perfect distraction — and contrast — to the political embarrassment that has otherwise dominated national news. Rather than seeing the worst of ourselves as reflected in Mr. Trump — his insults, sarcasm, put-downs and pathological lying — the nation sees the best of itself in…
Marijuana legalization is critical in effort to reduce opiate addiction
August 10, 2016
By Dave Silberman A recently VPR poll found that 89 percent of Vermonters view opioid and opiate addiction as a “major problem,” and that more than half of us know someone who has been personally affected by this devastating disease. Fortunately, when the Legislature reconvenes in January, they will have the opportunity to pass a…
Editorial: Clinton + Bernie’s revolution
June 23, 2016
By Angelo S. Lynn The die has been cast: Clinton will be the Democrat nominee. She has won the majority of the pledged delegates, she has won more states and contests, her steadfast support is across more demographic sectors of the population and far stronger in the most populated regions of the nation. She also…
A successful legislative session
June 23, 2016
By Gov. Peter Shumlin When I came to office in January 2011, I pledged to work every day to help make Vermont a more economically secure place to live, work, and raise a family. Back in 2011 our state still faced serious headwinds from the Great Recession. Vermont had lost nearly 10,000 jobs in the…
The Orlando Massacre, a human tragedy
June 23, 2016
By Lee Kahrs, The Reporter One year ago, I wrote my first View From Here column. It was June 2015 and the U.S. Supreme Court, by a vote of 5-4, legally recognized the right of gay and lesbian Americans to marry. In writing that column, I came out to The Reporter readership. It wasn’t a…
How about a fresh start for all Vermonters?
June 15, 2016
By Deb Bucknam Last year Governor Shumlin issued an executive order “banning the box” for applicants for state employment. Last month, he signed a bill ordering that all private employers “ban the box.” Banning the box means that no employer can ask on an employment application if an applicant has a criminal record. In signing…
Taking a cue from students
June 7, 2016
By Rebecca Holcombe A recent decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals, 4th Circuit, confirmed that transgender students should be able to use the bathroom that is consistent with their gender identity. This is the right decision. I think of a family friend, who spends every day worrying about whether his transgender child will still…
Before you reject the system, understand it
May 27, 2016
By Lee H. Hamilton If there’s a theme that sets this political season apart, it’s the voters’ utter disdain for most of the people who practice politics. They’re fed up with politicians, they’ve lost faith and confidence in the political “elite,” and they don’t believe that the realm where politicians ply their craft—government—works. The two…