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‘Buddy can you spare a dime?’
November 24, 2021
By Julia Purdy Under a fuzzy gray sky that promises snow They stand like lone sentinels At the traffic lights Dark figures, straight-backed, lean, Once strong, capable bodies Muffled up in layers of old clothes, hoodies under jackets worn thin. Some are veterans. Small birds flock across the sky, strength-training for their journey. Where are…
Economic growth for a few vs. well-being for all
November 24, 2021
By Bill Schubart Robert Kennedy said in a 1968 speech at the University of Kansas: “Yet the gross national product does not allow for the health of our children, the quality of their education or the joy of their play. It does not include the beauty of our poetry or the strength of our marriages,…
The “new norm” is not a return to the past
November 17, 2021
What citizens, workers have learned in the pandemic and what it means By Kevin Ellis Editor’s note: Kevin Ellis, a partner in Ellis Mills, a communications consulting firm in Montpelier. We are not returning to normal. Almost two years since the start of the Covid pandemic. What have we learned? And what is to come?…
Connecting people, community and land in the face of evolving challenges
November 17, 2021
By Darby Bradley Editor’s note: Darby Bradley has worked for the Vermont Land Trust in many roles since its founding, including a stint as president. For the Vermont Land Trust (VLT), land conservation has always been about more than simply protecting land. When Rick Carbin founded the organization in 1977, he was already thinking about…
Bonding and bowling together in the Digital Age
November 17, 2021
By Narain Batra Editor’s note: Narain Batra of Hartford is a professor of communications and diplomacy at Norwich University. He is the author of “The First Freedoms and America’s Culture of Innovation” and the forthcoming “India in A New Key.” Major U.S. social media network companies — including Apple, Alphabet (Google), Facebook (now Meta), Microsoft…
Multimember House districts dilute minority votes
November 10, 2021
By Shane Spence Editor's note: Shayne Spence was a candidate for the Vermont House in 2020, and is a justice of the peace in Johnson. The tripartisan legislative apportionment board voted this month to recommend a new map for legislative seats, which is required every 10 years following the census. Its new map would eliminate…
Equity is the path to economic success in Vt
November 10, 2021
By Betsy Bishop Editor’s note: Betsy Bishop, of East Montpelier, is the president of the Vermont Chamber of Commerce. Every day there is a news story about policies Vermont is addressing to further diversity, equity and inclusion. Many organizations, including the Vermont Chamber, are focusing on this internally and programmatically to do our part to…
We need to change how we fund public schools
November 3, 2021
By the board of directors of the Coalition for Vt Student Equity: Kendra Sowers, Alison Notte, David Schoales and Rory Thibault Our poorest and most diverse Vermont school districts have been critically underfunded for decades. This is due to inherent flaws in our pupil weighting formula, which directs how Vermont calculates student needs and allocates…
How you can help protect democracy in the age of disinformation?
November 3, 2021
By Vermont Secretary of State Jim Condos Over the past few weeks, I have given considerable thought to the message I want to convey to Vermonters on cybersecurity. The world of cybersecurity has changed significantly for election officials over the last five years. Turn back to September 2017, when Dept. of Homeland Security officials confirmed…
Everyone should care about our housing shortage
November 3, 2021
By Cathy Davis Editor’s note: Davis is the president of the Lake Champlain Chamber. In the past two months, I have heard about housing challenges almost as much as I’ve heard about staffing shortages. Of course, they’re related. If employees can’t find housing, they have to move to where they can find it. That might…
Giving new life to Vermont’s institutional spaces
October 27, 2021
By Ali Elwell Zaiac Editor’s note: Ali Elwell Zaiac, of Arlington, holds a master’s degree in theological studies from Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, D.C., where her thesis focused on repurposing church spaces in Vermont to meet broader community needs. Last week I attended the housing conference hosted by Rep. Seth Bongartz and Rep. Kathleen…
Delta changed the equation; policies must change too
October 27, 2021
By Anne Sosin Editor’s note: Anne N. Sosin is a public health researcher and Policy Fellow at the Nelson A. Rockefeller Center at Dartmouth College and the co-lead on research on Covid-19 and rural health equity in northern New England. Delta, we learn in science, means change. Delta changed the course of the virus in…
Biden’s budget bill would improve the lives of many
October 20, 2021
By Madeleine Kunin Editor’s note: This commentary is by former Gov. Madeleine Kunin, a Democrat and the first woman to serve as the governor of the state of Vermont. It’s dismaying to see Republicans and some conservative Democrats hacking away at President Biden’s historic budget reconciliation act. They say it’s too expensive, without looking at…
Money is now the dominant interest in health care
October 13, 2021
By Vicki Ward Editor's note: This commentary is by Vicki Ward of Barnard, who holds a master’s degree in family nursing and a post-master’s certificate in psychiatric and mental health nursing. This piece was published in VTDigger Oct. 8. I once thought Vermont OneCare was a functional fox guarding the henhouse when Dartmouth-Hitchcock and UVM…
Decisive action needed on deaths of despair
October 13, 2021
By Tanya Vyhovsky Editor’s note: State Rep. Tanya Vyhovsky, P/D-Essex, is a licensed independent clinical social worker, works in the public school system, and has a private counseling practice in her hometown of Essex. September was Suicide Awareness Month, and I am sure many of us felt inundated with frightening statistics and information about mental…