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Write-in trumps incumbent on Clarendon School Board

March 12, 2015
Incumbent Mill River Union High school board chair Brownson Spencer lost his seat to last-minute write-in candidate Len Doucette in an election coup. Doucette received 269 votes to Spencer’s 134. Although Spencer had served on the board since 2008, he especially lost favor with the public over an unfortunate remark in February about special education…

Saying goodbye

March 12, 2015
The community says goodbye to Peter Mello, Rutland City school board president, who leaves not only the school board but also the state. Working in several pro education positions in Rutland County since 1980, Mello is moving back to his home state of Massachusetts to enjoy his grandchildren.

RRMC receives $10,000

March 12, 2015
Rutland Regional Medical Center received a $10,000 check from the March of Dimes on March 4. The money funds a Centering Pregnancy program, new to RRMC, that integrates health assessment, education, and support to help local women have healthier pregnancies and babies.

City takes on the feds

March 12, 2015
While both parties await the findings of a study on what causes the low fish viability in Moon Brook, Rutland City has filed suit against the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) over whether the EPA can regulate storm runoff entering the stream. The EPA blames runoff. The city disagrees. Under less pressing circumstances, the city would…

Rutland Town approves all money items on ballot

March 12, 2015
Rutland Town voters were in an agreeable mood when they cast their ballots last week. They approved all money items, both the $7,847,080 school budget and $992,065 general fund town budget. They were amenable, too, in approving the town’s $3 million surplus, giving a nod to putting $1.5 million toward current expenses, paying $1 million…