On September 21, 2016

Horoscopes for September 14th – 20th, 2016

Cal Garrison Mother of the Skye weekly HoroscopesCal Garrison (a.k.a Mother of the Skye) writes weekly horoscopes for The Mountain Times. If you would like an emailed notification sent to you weekly, sign up for the newsletter, below.

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Check out Mother’s Celestial Inspirations for a deeper look into this weeks horoscopes

Horoscopes for September 14th – 20th, 2016


March 21 – April 20

Whatever it takes to get things to work is what you are shooting for. God knows what that might be, but whatever. Here you are, waiting for things to gel, wondering why it’s taking longer than you thought it would. Every situation has its own timing mechanism. You may have everything under control but you’ve got nothing to say about how or when life will make its move. There are all kinds of people circling around you. Knowing who’s who, and being smart enough to tell the difference between the ones who mean well, and the road to Hell is where it’s at right now.


April 21 – May 20

You had it all figured out and now all of a sudden it’s time to switch to Plan B, or find a way to fill the gap between what you thought would happen and how things turned out. The forces you face aren’t as formidable as they seem. Most of them look a lot like your parents. The trick to getting around this type of confusion lies in letting go of the idea that you won’t be able to get this to work, without so-and-so by your side. The gist of this lesson lies in the realization that you’re totally on your own. If you can grok that fact you’ll be back on track in no time flat.


May 21 – June 20

A situation that has been in dire need of a makeover is ready to roll. It’s taken 6 or 7 years to get to a place that finally understands ‘Why’ this whole series of events had to happen. Now that you’ve managed to come out on top of it, other people and issues are in play. It would be great if you could unravel as much confusion as you can, and clear the decks enough to bring your life back together. Those close to you may have other things in mind. Don’t assume that you’re on the same page. The Soap Opera could easily have a happy ending, if you play your cards right.


June 21 – July 20

No need to get frantic. This is one of those times when the impulse to rush things could overtake your ability to stay in touch with what’s needed at the moment. Your big ideas have their merits, but you’re at a point where the test is less about how much you’re able to accomplish, and more about your motives for being all over this.  There’s a lot to be said for being content with what you have. In a month or two you could wind up in the hole. As the next few weeks unfold you’ll begin to understand why it might make more sense to keep everything as simple as possible.


July 21 – August 20

You are doing the best that you can in a situation that is less than ideal. Everything about it is plugging you in to feelings that are ringing up all of your hardest, most intense ‘stuff’. Luckily, you’re in the mood to be nice about it, and/or, you’re self aware enough to know that it’s all happening for your benefit. Under a lot of pressure to keep a smile on your face and go along with the program, it’s just a matter of time before you’ll be free to fly away, and find your peace elsewhere. Patience my friend. The latest clue to the new direction is floating on the horizon.


August 21–September 20

Getting real about things can be so hard. You have fixed ideas that keep you trudging along in the same rut and that makes it harder. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that getting your act together always has to involve towing the line: sometimes our instructions tell us to break away from everything. The part of you that keeps setting the standards and making up the rules needs to lighten up. People who have more to give you than you realize are about to arrive with a new perspective, and some new ideas about what could happen, and what life could be from here on out.


September 21 – October 20

Within a fair share of difficulty your life is nestled between the past and the future in a way that leaves you with just enough to get by. Recent leavings and partings have torn up the pavement in your work/relationship area with hard feelings, enough to make you wonder if it will all turn out for the best in the long run. Too tired to think about it, the answer to that question won’t be made known for another 6 months. You have more important and pressing things to dwell upon. If they consume 99% of your time and energy, at least they give you temporary respite from your problems.


October 21 – November 20

You’ve got your hands full taking care of what other people can’t handle. If you’re making a living at it, more power to you. If you’re giving it away, let’s hope you’re not throwing pearls before swine. What’s left of the past hasn’t left enough for you to build a dream on. Within that, you’re finding new ways to meet the needs that keep all of us chained to the wheel. Keep the faith, but don’t be fooled into believing that this has anything to do with giving people more credit than they deserve. You’re in a turnaround phase that could involve losing your codependent streak.


November 21 – December 20

If you’ve finally figured out how to handle this it’s because you’ve stretched your mind far enough to include solutions that are out of the box. For some reason your situation calls for it. The structures you’ve created to hold space for your life have met a crisis in the hands of other people who have too much to say about who you get to be. As the need to change washes through your life you are waking up to things that have more to do with your purpose here than the fears that keep you stuck in this scenario. Letting it all go could be a solution. Time will tell.


December 21 – January 20

Between a rock and a hard place, what can you do? Making the most of something that has been going south for at least a year has tested everything you think you know about life. If you weren’t so hard on yourself you would have broken down already. As the next few months take the story to its logical conclusion you are hard pressed to know which way you want to go. Plans to escape race alongside the thought that you won’t make it too far if you do. This may sound crazy but, nothing is too crazy if it restores you and your situation to a state of balance and integrity.


January 21 – February 20

The wave of change is astounding. Even you, the one who is usually so cool and detached, are blown away by the way every blessed thing is coming to a head all at once. It will be a while before you get to breathe deep enough to process all of this. Until then, show up and don’t go nuts trying to stay on top of everything. When it comes to others? As far as that goes they are either 100% there and ready to support you, or they’re putting on a show. You? You are 100% aware of everything that’s going on and amazed by all this love, or ready to call people on their BS.


February 21 – March 20

You know what to do. Being hemmed in by beliefs, or circumstance is your only obstacle. Others are relying upon you to handle this situation in a way that will serve them as well. Looking at every option, it will help you to know that you don’t need to get too wound up. As far as doing the next right thing goes, considering everyone’s feelings and taking their needs into account is a sign of respect. Adhere to this standard in all of your dealings; with only one exception. Let those who refuse to treat YOU with respect know that you are fed up with their nonsense.

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