On March 25, 2015

Horoscopes for March 19 – March 25, 2015

Cal Garrison (a.k.a Mother of the Skye) writes weekly horoscopes for The Mountain Times. If you would like an emailed notification sent to you weekly, sign up for the newsletter, below.





Horoscopes for March 19 – March 25, 2015


March 21 – April 20

With so much going for you the trick lies in knowing how to direct things without getting derailed. Surface appearance indicates that you’re already where you want to be. As the forces that conspire to make all of this possible continue to support the task at hand, you’re only job is to show up and be 100% there for it. Every cell in your body knows what needs to happen. If there is anything holding you back it is the thought that you are unworthy. As the opposite reveals itself to be true, it’s up to you to step out and light up the sky with your brilliance


April 21 – May 20

You have to sit back and watch this show without knowing whether you want to be part of it anymore. It’s a bit freaky to see the whole story and have to reckon with the fact that it took so long to wake up. Now that you’re here, you’d do well to keep an eye on the extent to which you have been compromised. As the truth about that settles in, the need to rectify the situation will put you in the position of having to tell the truth. God bless you! What nobody wants to hear will require you to wonder if you’d be better off keeping it to yourself, or letting it all hang out.


May 21 – June 20

Nobody has the guts to tell you the truth. This gives you permission to keep going over the line. The whole question of boundaries is huge with you guys. As hard as it is to let anyone own the right to tell you what to do, you go totally off the property when they let you figure that out for yourself. What’s going on right now has so much to do with the fact that you’ve been going out of bounds on a regular basis since the cows came home. Now that they’re back, I’m here to tell you that it’s time to rewind and take a look at what it was about your actions that got you here.


June 21 – July 20

You wish you could explode but it would be totally inappropriate. It’s no surprise that you have all this pressure creating the sense that you need to come unglued. Everything is at a tipping point. There are those who will do whatever it takes to keep you where they want you. Under their wing ain’t such a bad place to be, but part of the reason your going nuts has to do with the fact that you’ve outgrown ALL of this. Don’t be stupid about the lengths that others will go to to keep you under their thumb. The fact that you’re indispensable tells me you’ve got better things to do!


July 21 – August 20

You keep running into the same old thing. Most of the time it’s easy to maintain a sense of humor and keep smiling. Lately you’ve had a tough time processing eons of anger from all the ‘stuff’ that has yet to be reconciled. Your friends keep telling you to let it go but they don’t have to live your life. The best you can do is whatever you’re doing. Know that on some level, your rage is justified, and give it a chance to rise to the surface. Underneath it there is a wellspring of gifts that are yours to share, but not until you release the poison that keeps them hidden away.


August 21–September 20

You are more than aware of where you stand in this situation. On a good day you’re totally confident. When the fog settles in you wonder what you’re doing and become victim to your own worst fears. The craving for certainty could get the best of you at times, but it offers no relief. At times like this you have to learn how to buckle up and be good with whatever’s going on. You guys are great to have around when your insides are clear. When you’re too messed up in your own stuff you’re no good to anyone. Keep centered in the things that  make your life easier.


September 21 – October 20

LIBRA: September 21 – October 20
Don’t be too concerned about the way you get cast aside, or held at bay by those who can’t confront you. There’s nothing wrong with you. And while it always takes two to tango, you’ve been hung up in one of those situations that was messed up long before you showed up. It’s not your job to make everything nice. At this point making things nice will only gloss over whatever you need to come to terms with more than anything. Use the next few weeks to get the bottom line squared away and don’t waste too much energy on anything that weakens your sense of self.


October 21 – November 20

The tendency to get all wound up over nothing is something you need to keep an eye on. It’s great to care so much about how things go, but you suck the life out of them when you hover over them night and day. So much of what is out of balance could be easily remedied with a whiff of everyday things. You have a hard time getting real. Your strength can only be found when you return to the visceral portion of your experience. Yes my dear: it’s your turn to let your hair down, or head for the hills, or lie face down on the ground and reconnect with Mother Earth.


November 21 – December 20

Whatever it takes is what you’ll do; that’s how it looks at the moment. So much is flying in the face of whatever you thought would happen, you’re not sure what your role is anymore. How far you get to go with the things that got set in motion about 7 years ago is up for review. If this upcoming reality check goes well, you’ll be free and clear. What is at issue at this point has to do with what happens when our best laid plans fly south. Whatever’s going on with you guys, all of it will go better if you can get to the place that knows it doesn’t matter which way it flows.


December 21 – January 20

You are always the one who knows more about it than anyone. As you try to figure out how that has been working for you lately, the whole question of your authority, and the way you express it in the real world is up for review. Many of you give yourself way more credit than you deserve and would do well to turn on the humility switch Others have been sidelined and put down for so long you have come to believe that you’re not good at, or worth much of anything. At the moment, balancing your act and coming back to square one is vital to the process of self-realization


January 21 – February 20

You’ve had enough of this. It’s hard to figure out what it is about you that keeps you stuck here. The next time you decide to look at yourself, the idea that you have more than one option needs to sink in. As much as you assume that your best laid plans are gonna keep going in a straight line, other forces are about to intervene, to change all of that. The next new thing is about to unwind. You have a month or two to reassess your position and get to the bottom line of what you want out of a situation that is ready to change and was never meant to last forever.


February 21 – March 20

You keep wondering if they were right when they told you to watch out for so-and-so. At this point you aren’t too sure about anyone. Lucky for you your everyday situation is full of fire and life. With your attention 100% on that which loans it meaning you have a way to anchor yourself into things that are real. As far as people go. You can only trust your gut. If you’ve misjudged anyone, it’s because you didn’t hear it speaking. With so many wolves pulling up to the trough with forks and knives, you’d do well to keep the radar on and your eyes peeled twenty-four-seven.

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