On July 30, 2015

Horoscopes for July 23 – July 29, 2015

Cal Garrison (a.k.a Mother of the Skye) writes weekly horoscopes for The Mountain Times. If you would like an emailed notification sent to you weekly, sign up for the newsletter, below.

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Horoscopes for July 23 – July 29, 2015


March 21 – April 20

You are fine. Stop using all your mental energy worrying about how this is going to go. With more than enough support, you will find some unusual people coming out of the woodwork. It’s up to you to know who’s here to help and who’s here to make things harder. Those close to your situation care enough to go out of their way. Others could be here for the beer. As long as you are smart enough to know who’s who, and keep your ego in check, you will be free and clear within a month or three. Keep your nose to the grindstone and let hard work free your mind.


April 21 – May 20

You can’t force your Will on things. It’s a tough lesson for you. The whole idea that you are having a hard time getting things to manifest isn’t easy to reconcile. It might be time to see that others have their own way of doing things. What you envision needs to be considered in light of that or things just aren’t gonna fly. For the past 7 years you’ve had to handle things all by yourself. As life shifts into a whole new gear the old patterns are worn out and what got you by in the past won’t get you going now. If you’re smart you’ll drop the reins and try a new approach.


May 21 – June 20

What can I say? You have so much going on the last thing you need is my two-cents. As others try to figure out what it will take to get you to get off the Merry-Go-Round, you keep dreaming up new ways to keep your life afloat. It’s gotten a little crazy. Issues within the family are slightly messed up. Any hard feelings need to be addressed with more tolerance than you have on your plate at the moment. Give yourself a little while longer to process your rage, but don’t keep it going any longer than you have to. None of us have time to hold a grudge; give it up.


June 21 – July 20

You aren’t sure enough about anything to know where this will go but you don’t care. At this point you just want to keep things as simple as possible. The desire to keep food on the table has you wondering whether your money situation will shift into a new gear. As far as that goes, there is no set path to follow and the one you’re on is working fine for now. The pressure to be 100% on for everyone but yourself has those who care, a little worried about you. Everything is up in the air. Your energy and your emotions are in high focus. Keep riding it out till the Fall Equinox.


July 21 – August 20

Say ‘Hello” to the idea that all of this is happening for your benefit. It may not seem that way at first; after all, you’ve been through so much. What you are less aware of is that coming out on the other side of any experience, we reach a point where we see why it needed to happen – and this is what changes us. You may have to go around the barn one more time before this is over. By the time the seasons change the ground under your feet will feel more steady and secure than it has in a while. Keep the light on and expect visitors to show up to distract you for up to a week or 2.


August 21–September 20

You are still here doing what’s expected, but you have the strange feeling that something else is getting ready to pop up and change all of this. The gears are in neutral and you are definitely primed for something beyond what’s been in your face for the last few years. The need to dispel your anxiety, along with the thought that none of us are ever 100 percent sure we’re on the right track will go a long way to letting you be OK with sitting back and watching the show. How things play out will depend entirely on whether or not you are able to let life show you where to go.


September 21 – October 20

LIBRA: September 21 – October 20
You get too wound up about things that need to be left behind. Give it up! The pictures you created had nothing to do with what you needed and they bore no relationship to the lessons that are coming down on you now. Instead of hanging around waiting around for people to change, or keep up with the hope that you need to baby sit for a broken dream, start thinking about where you could be and what needs to happen to keep you from turning to stone. This is a little nuts, for sure, but you have been here before and it’s time to pick yourself up and start all over again.


October 21 – November 20

After God knows how much tension you have finally squeaked out enough creative energy to see that you weren’t crazy to stick this out. For sure things are a lot tighter in the financial sphere than they’ve been in a while, but who cares? You have enough. What matters is where things are going and how much you can rely on others to hold on to their part of the bargain. It will take about two months to know for sure if you can count on any of the stuff that’s coming alive in your life at the moment — but from what I can see, as long as money doesn’t become an issue, you are all set.


November 21 – December 20

You have everything going for you. It would be great if you had someone to watch your back. You’ve been there for others too many times and it matters to you that no one seems to notice how much you’ve taken on and how much you need their support. Within all of this you know you can handle just about anything – you’ve been doing it all your life – so it’s not about being weak or feeling insecure. It’s just that now, for the first time in your life you need a Mommy, or a Daddy, or some loving soul to show up just long enough to remind you how strong you are.


December 21 – January 20

The ebb and flow keeps going up and down. Not knowing what’s next has you thinking that maybe you better focus on what works out best whenever life forces us to get real. You are in the thick of things that have everything riding on time and the actions of others. To a certain extent you are beholden to people but only up to a point. In situations where it’s obvious that your input is unwanted and/or being diminished, you better think twice. The need to keep things on an even keel shouldn’t be confused with remaining stuck in circumstances that are stifling your growth.


January 21 – February 20

You are just beginning to tap into your reason for being here; here on this planet, and here in the situation that you are currently in. So much has been tied up for so long it’ll be good to feel like you know what you’re doing. Some of it is bound to involve kids, your own, or other people’s, along with the possibility of a new job, one that fits your needs a little better. There is still a lot of ground to cover but the openings that keep showing up to give you a way out have been heaven sent. Keep watching the signs and keep your head clear enough to see what is needed.


February 21 – March 20

You wish you could say this was perfect. You’re having a tough time with a situation or an individual that isn’t living up to your expectations. With too much already invested, here you sit, hoping and praying that your most recent foray into the realm of movement and change, isn’t some half baked folly that is bound to boomerang you right back to square one. Whether things fly or they don’t isn’t up to me. You will know from the reception you get, and how things feel intuitively. And then again, don’t be surprised if something pops up to turn this whole thing around.

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