On September 4, 2014

Horoscopes for August 28 – September 3, 2014

Cal Garrison (a.k.a Mother of the Skye) writes weekly horoscopes for The Mountain Times. If you would like the horoscopes to be emailed to you weekly, sign up for the newsletter, below.

Horoscopes for August 28 – September 3, 2014



March 21 – April 20

You are looking at the same old thing wondering what it will take to transcend forces that are bigger than both of us. No one told you it was your job to go above and beyond the call of duty. If you’re still in the game and willing to play, it’s time to wake up to the fact that it’s your job to go one step further – with yourself, and with things that will eventually bring you to the top. What isn’t that much fun at the moment will give way to your wildest dreams. Do your best to hang in there long enough to heal this situation and watch it rise from the ashes of deliverance.


April 21 – May 20

You are well on your way to things that will open the opportunity for the next new thing to enter. Many of you have your own ideas about what that should be. Don’t let your pictures interfere with what things look like. And it would be great if you didn’t get too wrapped up with people and things that take you away from yourself. Your tendency to make relationships too much of a priority sucks up so much of your creative energy, and it sucks you dry. The need to stay cool and detached enough to remain focused on your own thing is the name of the game right now.


May 21 – June 20

You always have more than enough to draw strength from. Knowing who you can trust is the issue. With more than enough going on, and a full boat of abilities, you’d do well to look around and pay more attention to who’s got integrity, and who doesn’t, because the company you keep means more than anything. Your tendency to give everyone too much slack needs to be tightened up and injected with a sense of standards that allows you not to get used, or ripped off by those who aren’t up to snuff. Discernment is key; snakes in the grass need to be seen for who they are.


June 21 – July 20

You’re wondering how long it will take to either find an excuse to leave or be relieved of the sense of not knowing whether it’s ‘Yes’, or ‘No’. I don’t know how to restore your faith in the way things are supposed to turn out, but I can tell you that you’re teetering on the brink of a change that can’t be limited to what your ego believes might be possible. Our pictures of perfection don’t hold a candle to what could be true once we get over ourselves. This is an incredible time. Do your best to stay centered in the eye of the storm and open your heart to the winds of change.


July 21 – August 20

You have it made on too many levels to screw up now. Recent experiences have tested you, The issues that keep you awake at night have made it difficult to come to heel, or be tempered by the things that force us to look at ourselves. In and around all of this, others have changed so much it’s hard to know who you are in relationship to anything anymore. Keep the faith. As the next few months unravel the lights will come on and the part of you that is ready to outgrow the past will be free to expand into opportunities that allow your wildest dreams to come true.


August 21 – September 20

You don’t know how to get around some of the issues that are assailing you at the moment. Large and small, they come in all shapes and sizes. In your quieter moments you can get Zen enough to take them in stride, but the ball in the pit of your stomach keeps telling you you’re not cool with too much of anything right now. There are relationship issues. The ones that are working are better than ever. The ones that aren’t, have left a hole in your heart that can only be filled by letting things be and praying that those who have had it with you will begin to see the light.


September 21 – October 20

Now that you’ve been inspired by the things that give you joy, you’re free to spread the wealth and share all this good stuff with all of your connections. Pouring new life into your everyday activities is bound to attract a whole raft of interesting people onto the scene. Money issues keep you thinking that you can’t afford to multiply your options, but the stars outweigh your fears. Jupiter’s watching your back. He’s showing up with possibilities that look like they will come through old associates, and friends who love you enough to keep your best interests in mind.


October 21 – November 20

Teetering on the edge, you don’t know if you’re coming or going. The need for patience, not just with others but with the situation itself, competes with the idea that you can’t wait to get on with the program. Your role in this situation has changed too many times for you to be sure which part you need to play in order to get it to work. Holding steady when the god of uncertainty is swinging its hips and making you feel totally insecure is where it’s ar. If it’s hard to stay cool with it all, get real enough to see that this can only be healed/changed/fixed from the inside out.


November 21 – December 20

Your best laid plans have gone up in smoke too many times for you to be ruffled by what’s going on right now. Resilience is your strong suit. If people aren’t receptive to you, give it up and look elsewhere for whatever it is that you’re wanting. The thought that you need to be moving on to bigger and better things is all fine and good but you need to pay attention to the way cycles rise and fall. You happen to be sitting at the tail end of something that has to wind all the way down before it goes up again. This is no time to push your weight. Keep it simple and let things be.


December 21 – January 20

You’ve finally woken up to the fact that you’ve given too much of your power away to people who can’t handle it. Reclaiming yourself has involved fishing for truth in a sea of lies. If you are currently embroiled in a crisis that out does anything you’ve seen so far I would not be surprised. As others stand around pointing fingers and finding fault with the way this is going, you need to realize that every time we set about correcting our mistakes we wind up in a crisis. Keep the faith, don’t be misled by appearances, and know that you are back on the road to integrity.


January 21 – February 20

You cope with things by getting far enough away from then to distance yourself from it all. In the short run this works. In the long run all it does is keep you separate. Many of you are aware enough to see that your tactics are a stop gap measure, that will never serve to heal the root issue. Getting to the bottom of all of your ‘stuff’ isn’t the least bit enticing. Others keep wondering what it will take to restore connections that were shredded by time and all the blood on the tracks. As you ponder your choices, the idea of reaching out competes with the need to remain stuck here.


February 21 – March 20

The weirdness of things is getting to be an issue. This could take a zillion different forms. You’re either talking to Aliens or getting tied up with people who might as well be from another planet. None of this is unusual. You love it when you’re out of bounds. Take it as far as you want to go, but remember this; when you’re coloring outside the lines, there are no rules. The part of you that is all over this needs to haul back just far enough to stay real.

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