On August 1, 2018

‘Wherever there is great light there is also great darkness’

By Cal Garrison a.k.a. Mother of the Skye

This week’s Horoscopes are coming out under the light of a Pisces Moon. After a week of auspicious astrological events, one that got lost in my mental shuffle was a lunar eclipse on Saturday, July 27. Hey what do you bet it was a retrograde Mercury lapse? Now that I’ve called it to mind, maybe it’s good that I spaced it out because between that, the Day out of Time, and the Heliacal Rising of Sirius, there was enough to talk about. The full moon eclipse on the 27th was the second in a series of three, and it was empowered by the fact that Lughnassah will be following on its heels on the first of August.

Eclipses are akin to milestones. They are markers on the galactic spiral that tell us where we’re at in the Grand Cycle. Most of us are aware that we are at the tail end of the Kali Yuga, a.k.a. the darkest, most corrupt point in the equinoctial precession. Loosely translated, the Sabian symbol for the fourth degree of Aquarius suggests that we as individuals, and mankind as a whole, are leaving the karmic shadows and abandoning the corruptions and perversions that have blinded us to the truth and prevented us from accessing the “vast spiritual chord of consciousness” that will allow us to connect with and embody the potentialities that are inherent in the archetyped man.

With Lughnasah right around the corner, all of the above will be punctuated by the annual celebration of light. One of the eight main cross quarters, Lughnassah, or Lammas, marks the point in the yearly cycle where we get to rejoice in the fullness of life and love, and celebrate the highest aspects of human expression.

Wherever there is great light there is also great darkness, so in and around this there are bound to be darker motifs. Martha Lang Wescott is an astrological genius whose perspective on things is worth paying attention to. In her latest newsletter she discusses aspects to last Saturday’s eclipse axis that are bound to trigger events that will shine a light on some of the shadowy stuff that has been going on around us. Here are some paraphrased points from that letter:

Eros, Toro, Demeter, and Mars were cross checking the Nodal Axis on July 27. Those influences were intermingled with other points and asteroids, including Kronos and Atlantis. Without getting too technical, Eros and Toro relate to sexual abuse and brutality. Combined with Demeter, an asteroid that showcases our connection to children, we are looking at a picture of child abuse that is sexually motivated. There will be stories that highlight cruel and sadistic people, along with attempts to arrest them and their activities.

With Kronos and Atlantis we could hear about people falling to their deaths from high places. Plane crashes, people falling, or suiciding themselves off the top of cliffs, or bridges, or skyscrapers come under this influence. This asteroid combination extends to include the idea that people in high places will fall from grace, after their secrets are revealed.

Dark themes are all over this, stuff we can’t even get into. Much of what comes to light will not be believed. If we think we’ve seen and heard it all, we ain’t seen nothing yet. Expect pieces of what’s mentioned here to show up within the next week or so – but remember – every eclipse has an impact that unfolds over the ensuing months. These things will be leaking through the cracks between now and January 2019. At the end of the day, 13,000 years of darkness is being purged. There is so much more to this, but we only have so much page space.

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