Discover More from This Author: Polly

Agency of Ag urges Vermonters to “get what they pay for” when heating their homes this winter

October 29, 2015
As the nights grow colder, the Agency of Agriculture’s Consumer Protection Division reminds Vermonters to take steps to ensure they “get what they pay for” when heating their homes. “With winter approaching, it’s important for Vermonters to know there are rules in place to govern transactions related to both fuel and firewood,” according to Henry…

Spotlight on KSRM grad Fiona Gomes

October 29, 2015
By Chandler Burgess Fiona Gomes By Karen D. Lorentz Editor’s Note: This is the third part of a series on graduates of the Killington School of Resort Management program of Green Mountain College. See the Oct. 8 story for details on the program at Fiona Gomes grew up on the ocean in Marblehead, Massachusetts.…

Third annual Catwalk for a Cause set to be a high-energy event at the Paramount

October 29, 2015
Courtesy of the United Way Hair and make-up artist work their magic to bring high-fashion to the catwalk show at the Paramount. By Polly Lynn RUTLAND — Twelve local retailers with 10 local models, each done up by local hair and make-up stylists, will strut their stuff down a catwalk on the Paramount stage, Nov.…

$10 million federal grant clears path for passenger rail service from Rutland to Burlington

October 29, 2015
On Monday, Oct. 26, Senator Patrick Leahy, Senator Bernie Sanders, Congressman Peter Welch and Gov. Peter Shumlin announced a $10 million federal grant from the Department of Transportation to improve rail service along the state’s Western Corridor. The improvements will remove the final hurdle for restoring passenger service between Rutland and Burlington. In a joint…

‘Twas the (brief) season for ski and golf

October 29, 2015
Oct. 18-25 visitors could ski and golf on the same day, now closed KILLINGTON — After being the first resort open in North America on Sunday, Oct. 18, Killington Resort had to close temporarily starting Monday, Oct. 26, due to climate conditions. It will reopen for skiing and riding as soon as athe temperature dips into…

Dick Horner appointed interim town manager for the town of Killington

October 29, 2015
KILLINGTON—The Killington Select Board has decided to hire an interim town manager to ensure a smooth transition. After executive session Tuesday, Oct. 20, the Board unanimously appointed long time director of planning and zoning administrator Dick Horner to the post. They expect him to serve two to five months while the Select Board finds a…

Killington TV makes a move

October 29, 2015
Finds new home and partnerships with The Mountain Times KILLINGTON — On Nov. 1 Killington TV will officially move into its new home in The Mountain Times building on Route 4 in Killington. “We’re thrilled about the new space and for opportunities to work with The Mountain Times in new collaborative efforts,” said Steve Kent,…

Dick Horner abruptly resigned as Proctor Selectman after zoning conflict

October 29, 2015
By Lee J. Kahrs, The Reporter PROCTOR — A selectman abruptly resigned and walked out of a regular meeting on. Oct. 12 after a lengthy debate over conflict of issue regarding a zoning grievance. Proctor Selectman Dick Horner, who is also chair of the Proctor Planning Commission, was asked to recuse himself by property owner…

Rutland region joins Wheels for Warmth fundraiser

October 29, 2015
RUTLAND — Phil Scott’s annual Wheels for Warmth fundraiser to benefit emergency fuel assistance has expanded to Rutland. “We need tires donated to make this a successful event and fundraiser,” said Carol Flint, executive director of BROC—Community Action in Southwestern Vermont, located in Rutland. Bond Auto and Vianor in Rutland accepted tires Oct. 19-28, and…

Marijuana legalization and our children

October 29, 2015
New report outlines the impacts By Julia Purdy At its Town Meeting in Killington recently, the Vermont League of Cities and Towns came out in opposition to the legalization of recreational marijuana in Vermont. Apparently they have read the latest report, “The Legalization of Marijuana in Colorado: the Impact  Vol. 3,” issued in August by…

Answers are not as simple as questions, context provided

October 29, 2015
Dear Editor, I am writing in response to Jim Haff’s repeated requests to have several questions answered. Jim would like simple answers to what he refers to as simple questions. Despite his belief these questions are simple, the truth is that the answers are not, and to give them out of context would be highly…

Seeking true public, grassroots conversation about guns in Vermont

October 29, 2015
Dear Editor, On Oct. 20, 2015, two dozen members of Gun Owners of Vermont went to an advertised “fall regional meeting” of Gun Sense Vermont (GSV) which was supposed to be a public forum. We did this because we wanted to have a conversation with the officers and members of GSV and the general public…

The meat industry is scary

October 29, 2015
Dear Editor, I was never scared of all the witches, zombies, and assorted goblins wandering around on Halloween next Saturday night. What really used to scare me was the meat industry. This is the industry that mutilates, cages, and butchers billions of cows, pigs, and other feeling animals, that exposes thousands of undocumented workers to…

The Iceman cometh

October 29, 2015
By Dom Cioffi This is the time of year when the outside temperatures begin to drop to uncomfortable levels, meaning extra care must be taken so life doesn’t get too distressing. Anytime the thermometer settles below the 32-degree mark, you have to grab that cold weather parka, you have to start warming up your vehicle…

Going solar?

October 29, 2015
Solar Energy round table discussion to be held in Killington, Nov. 7 KILLINGTON — Anyone interested in obtaining more information on the advantages of going solar is invited to a solar energy round table discussion, Saturday afternoon, Nov. 7 at 3-5 p.m. at the Sherburne Memorial Library’s Ann Wallen room in Killington, Vt. The Killington…