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Pico closes mid-week

March 2, 2016
KILLINGTON — This season’s weather has challenged us at every turn, wrote officials for Killington Resort in a Feb. 25 newsletter explaining conditions at Pico Mountain. “The lack of natural snow, or even consistently cold temperatures, has left us with limited terrain and diminished business levels. With no relief evident in the long-range forecast, we have…

State redesignates Rutland Mental Health

March 2, 2016
RUTLAND—On Feb. 26, after completing a corrective action process that began last summer, Rutland Mental Health Services (RMHS) has received full-designation status from the Vermont Department of Mental Health (DMH) and Department of Disabilities, Aging and Independent Living (DAIL) for its mental health and developmental disabilities programs for Rutland County. Following a designation process that…

Obituary: Anne T. Richwagen, age 80

March 2, 2016
On Feb. 27, 2016, when the morning sun rose over Pico Mountain to nourish the joy of Anne Richwagen’s daily awakening, it found the flame of her life had quietly and peacefully flickered out. Anne Richwagen, 80, of Rutland, Vt. and Goose Pond, N.H., had fulfilled her goal of introducing the wonders of love and…

Resorts ought to fix unfair snow sports instructor pay

March 2, 2016
Dear Editor, There is a problem with the ski industry, and it is the way ski areas pay their snow sports instructors. They only pay them for when they are interacting with a student. So what that boils down to is they require you to be at work at a certain time and if no…

Correction, gov., fluoride is a drug

March 2, 2016
Dear editor, This is an open letter to Governor Peter Shumlin. We request that you (Shumlin) request the immediate resignation of Commissioner of Vermont Department of Health, Dr. Harry Chen, for his attempt to influence voter decision on fluoridation by sharing misinformation in a Rutland Herald commentary dated Saturday, Feb. 20 on the issue of…

Education Reform: start earlier to yield better outcomes, reduce costs

March 2, 2016
By Rick Davis The recent Picus report on Vermont’s education spending suggests the state can save money by reducing spending on special education. While I agree generally with that statement, we need new thinking about how we get there. Artificial spending targets or extra tutors aren’t the answer. If we want to reduce spending and…

Contaminated well waters in North Bennington limited in geography, public water not contaminated

March 2, 2016
On Monday, Feb. 29, Gov. Peter Shumlin provided an update on the situation in North Bennington after last week when five private wells in North Bennington showed varying levels of a potentially harmful chemical called PFOA. Test results received Thursday, Feb. 25, indicated that while there is no contamination of the public water source. The…

Sanders receives perfect score for his environmental voting record

March 2, 2016
Sen. Bernie Sanders received a perfect score (100 percent) Feb. 24 from the League of Conservation Voters for his environmental voting record in 2015. Sanders has a 95 percent lifetime score. “On climate stuff he’s been the most aggressive voice in the Senate,” environmentalist and co-founder of Bill McKibben said of Sanders. Among his…

Insurance company fined for overcharging Vermont small businesses

March 2, 2016
Susan L. Donegan, commissioner of the Department of Financial Regulation (DFR), announced Feb. 26 that Continental Indemnity Co., a subsidiary of Applied Underwriters, Inc., has paid Vermont $335,000 and owes 16 Vermont businesses an additional $352,000. An investigation conducted by the department revealed that between 2007 and 2015, Continental had overcharged a number of small…

Sunday Bloody Sunday

March 2, 2016
The Witch By Dom Cioffi It’s customary for me to come home after work and immediately wash dishes. This is something I’ve done for years. I don’t know why; it’s just an activity I have to complete before I relax in to the evening’s activities. This past week, I came home, dropped my bag by…

Expert shares tips regarding cyber security

March 2, 2016
By Karen D. Lorentz Cyber security was one of the nationwide issues discussed at the recent National Ski Areas Association (NSAA) Eastern Winter Conference and Trade Show held at Killington Resort. Because a data breach is a topic that poses a risk to all, The Mountain Times contacted cyber security expert Anne De Vries, who…

Ski industry not immune to recent societal, digital, violent threats

March 2, 2016
By Karen D. Lorentz As if the weird El Niño weather were not enough of a challenge to operating a ski area, several thorny societal issues were discussed at the recent National Ski Areas Association (NSAA) Eastern Winter Conference and Trade Show held at Killington Resort. Among the more serious topics were those on website…

Proctor skating rink celebrates 90 years, 1926-2016

March 2, 2016
PROCTOR—Clippings from the Rutland Herald afford a glimpse into an old-time way to have winter fun. Such events got folks out and built community spirit in this small town. The 1927 season might remind us of this one—“insufficient snow”—but offered no hint of what was to come 10 months later: the devastating Flood of 1927.–Editor.…