Discover More from This Author: Polly
Fall cleanup: November is loose- end month
November 6, 2019
Tree Talk by Gary Salmon The only November foliage color is provided by the oaks, beeches, aspens, larches and Norway Maples. Yellow and brown are the colors of November with the oranges and reds gone until next fall. If you plan on planting trees next spring that you have dug up yourself it is always…
Ain’t no rest for the wicked
November 6, 2019
by Dom Cioffi Another Halloween has come and gone. This was a transitoned year for us. My son officially reached the age where he was not interested in trick-or-treating anymore. We brought it up several times in the weeks leading up to Oct. 31, but he never committed or seemed overly concerned in preparing a…
Sometimes you can’t tell
November 6, 2019
by Cal Garrison/ Mother of Skye This week’s horoscopes are coming out under the light of an Aquarius Moon, with a bunch of aspects that make for interesting conversation. It’s always tricky to use what we know about astrology to make blanket statements about what’s going on in the world. Of late, a lot of…
The-child-to-adult transition
November 6, 2019
Looking Back by Mary Ellen Shaw There is a transition period for all of us when we stop being considered a “child” by the older people in our lives. We become “adults”, just like them. Our relationship changes with these people and those whom we called “Mr.” or “Mrs.” often tell us to call them…
The financial literacy crisis
November 6, 2019
Money Matters by Kevin Theissen Imagine driving a car without a basic understanding of the rules of the road, or even how to operate it. Scary thought. Yet many Americans are operating their personal finances with only the barest minimum of knowledge. One study by the FINRA Investor Education Foundation found that, when asked five…
Woolly bears on the move
November 6, 2019
The Outside Story by Meghan Mccarthy McPhaul Woolly bear caterpillars seem to be everywhere these days – creeping across the lawn, along the road when I’m walking the dog, hidden in the wilted cut-back of the perennial garden. Last week I found a woolly bear curled up in a shoe I’d left on the front…
Brothers in Art on display in Brandon
November 6, 2019
Friday, Nov. 8, at 5 p.m.—BRANDON—Tecari Shuman and Robert Black join forces on their mission to inspire a more creative and loving world. Though the artists use different mediums - Shuman a painter and Black in photography and collage, both only came to embrace their artistic gifts later in life. And now they have teamed…
Food Network names Wayside Restaurant’s maple cream pie the iconic pie for Vermont
November 6, 2019
The Wayside Restaurant’s maple cream pie has been selected by the Food Network as Vermont’s iconic pie. As we all know, pie is so much more than just a dessert. There’s a feeling of nostalgia and comfort in every bite, not to mention a strong sense of place. Turns out you can learn a lot about a…
Learn about Castleton’s Resort & Hospitality Management program at Killington
November 6, 2019
Tuesday, Nov. 12 at 9:30 a.m.—KILLINGTON—Castleton University has held a series of Information Sessions and Experience Days at its new Resort & Hospitality Management campus in Killington over the past month. Experience Days are a great opportunity for interested prospective students to experience the day-to-day activities of students in Castleton University’s Resort & Hospitality Management…
Skier and snow enthusiast blessing kicks off coat drive
November 6, 2019
Sunday Nov. 10, at 10:30 a.m—KILLINGTON—Skiers and snow enthusiasts alike are invited to gather at Church of Our Saviour at Mission Farm on Nov. 10 for the annual blessing to welcome a safe, snowy and fun winter. Bring your skis, boards or any other winter gear for a blessing at 10:30 a.m., with coffee and…
Rutland County Audubon introduces West Rutland Marsh Dream Trail
November 6, 2019
Tuesday, Nov. 12 at 6:30 p.m.—WEST RUTLAND—Marv Elliott from Rutland County Audubon will present a talk titled “The New Marsh Dream Trail” at the West Rutland Town Hall. The talk will include some history of Audubon activities at the West Rutland Marsh and finish with a description of the trail plans. After 18 years of…
Women’s Club hosts holiday boutique fundraiser
November 6, 2019
Friday, Nov. 8 at 4:30 p.m.—KILLINGTON—The Greater Killington Women’s Club is sponsoring its 3rd annual “Nibbles, Bobbles & Bits” Boutique Evening fundraiser at the Summit Lodge in Killington. This is a pre-holiday shopping and social soiree with a variety of local micro vendors. Doors open at 4:30 p.m. for attendees to browse, shop, mingle…
Climate Change talk held at Billings Farm
November 6, 2019
Past, present and possible future of global climate discussed Saturday, Nov. 9, at 9 a.m.—WOODSTOCK—Climate change science is complicated and can often be confusing. Join NPS Science Communication Specialist Ed Sharron for a two-hour presentation that explores Earth’s past, current, and possible future climate. Also learn about the latest findings and most promising ways being…
R.A.S.T.A. hosts Vermont backcountry forum and movie premiere
November 6, 2019
Thursday, Nov 7, at 6 p.m.—ROCHESTER—The world premiere of “Leave Nice Tracks” comes to Pierce Hall in Rochester on Thursday, Nov. 7. The doors open at 6 p.m. with a potluck, vendors and bar. Bent Hill Brewery has provided some Backcountry Stash Ale in commemorative cans. Bring a potluck item to share, or a pot of your…
Ludlow PD presents on drug trends and marijuana laws
November 6, 2019
Wednesday, Nov. 6 at 6 p.m.—WOODSTOCK—On Nov. 6, Detective Richard King will give a community presentation on drug trends and the new marijuana laws in the Woodstock Union High School Middle School library. King has been a Drug Recognition Expert (DRE) with the Ludlow Police Dept. for over 10 years. The focus will be on…