Discover More from This Author: Polly
Leadership can keep schools safe, open
January 12, 2022
Vaccination mandates and 'test to attend' programs needed now By Jim Haff Editor’s note: Jim Haff is the Killington representative in the Windsor Central School District and Killington Select Board member. This commentary was written as an open letter to Vermont’s elected leaders on Jan. 10. You are not protecting our children. Over the holidays…
Gray relaunches ‘Lt. Governor for a Day’
January 12, 2022
Lieutenant Gov. Molly Gray will re-launch, “Lt. Governor for a Day” — a virtual program to engage Vermont students and classrooms in civics education and state government. Gray launched the program at the start of her term in January 2021. The bi-weekly program hosted every other Wednesday restarts Jan. 19 and will run from 12-1:15…
Vermont Institute of Natural Science announces winter wildlife celebration
January 12, 2022
Jan. 14-15 — QUECHEE — The Vermont Institute of Natural Science (VINS) is very excited to announce its upcoming winter wildlife celebration. First, join VINS on Friday, Jan. 14 at 6 p.m. for their free public virtual event. A donation of $10 per household would be greatly appreciated. This virtual event is in conjunction with…
We should be concerned about Proposal 5
January 12, 2022
By Anne Donahue Editor's note: Anne B. Donahue is a House representative for the Washington-1 district (Northfield, Berlin). The importance of conscience protection for health care workers, most often in the context of permitting hospital staff to request to be excused from participation in abortions, has broad public support and is endorsed by the Vermont…
What are the valid selection criteria Vermonters should be using to screen Congressional applicants?
January 12, 2022
Dear Editor, Please consider this an open letter to Vermont voters. What are the valid selection criteria we should be using to screen Congressional applicants? During the 1970s orchestras across the United States became concerned that members weren’t chosen by ability, but handpicked by the conductors. They designed an interesting, novel and effective solution to…
Walter Parks and Rob Curto present ‘Swampalachian Trail’ at Next Stage Arts
January 12, 2022
Saturday, Jan. 15 at 7:30 p.m. — PUTNEY — Walter Parks and Rob Curto present “Swampalachian Trail” at Next Stage Arts. Walter Parks, longtime guitarist sideman to Woodstock legend Richie Havens, joins accordionist Rob Curto to present “Swampalachian Trail.” The show is the "soundtrack" to the building of America encompassing historic songs of European and…
On Jan. 6, ‘don’t look down’
January 12, 2022
By Angelo Lynn It is to be hoped Jan. 6, 2021 will be a date that long resonates in our nation’s history. That historians will accurately assess the roots of the deadly insurrection on the nation’s Capitol, determine those responsible for assembling the crowd and encouraging them to storm Congress in what turned out to…
Hindman to leave DRP, join Green Screen Graphics as creative director
January 12, 2022
Nikki Hindman, the Downtown Rutland Partnership’s executive director is leaving the organization this month, but she isn’t going far. She has taken a job as creative director for Green Screen Graphics, a part of Tuttle Law Print, Inc that also includes Quickprint of Rutland and Tuttle Printing and Promotions. Hindman has worked at the DRP…
Differing priorities
January 12, 2022
By Rep. Jim Harrison The 2022 Vermont legislative session was gaveled in on Jan. 4. The first week provides the governor with an opportunity to give his State of the State address, where he outlines some of his priorities. Legislative leaders also utilize the first week to share their agenda for the session as well.…
VSAC’s final ‘check-in’ with Vermont’s high school Class of 2012 shows students need more support
January 12, 2022
Since the spring of 2012, the Vermont Student Assistance Corporation (VSAC) has followed the Vermont high school Class of 2012, collecting data on the students’ college enrollment plans and degree completion rates. VSAC released its final study of this group on Dec. 30. The data revealed that 46% of students from the high school Class…
Teachers’ union slams state’s abandonment of contact tracing, testing in schools
January 12, 2022
By Jeralyn Darling/VTDigger Vermont’s teachers’ union is calling Friday’s decision to end contact tracing and surveillance testing a “demoralizing blow” to anyone involved in the state’s school system, including students and their parents. In a statement issued Saturday, Jan. 8, the Vermont chapter of the National Education Association, the largest union in the state, criticized…
The search for ‘the loneliest whale’
January 12, 2022
A Woodstock Vermont Film Series feature documentary Jan. 15 at 3 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. — WOODSTOCK — “The Loneliest Whale” is a cinematic quest to find the elusive creature known as the “52 Hertz Whale,” which scientists believe has spent its entire life in solitude calling out at a frequency different that of any…
Remembering ‘feel-good’ writers
January 12, 2022
By Mary Ellen Shaw With the challenges that Covid has brought into our lives it makes many of us look for “feel good moments” in our day. At times we need to replace negative thoughts with positive ones and how we accomplish that is up to each individual. For me reading something light and watching…
Governor Scott doubles down on controversial school Covid policy changes
January 12, 2022
Staff report Gov. Phil Scott and other state officials defended their controversial and “abrupt” shift in school policy for combatting Covid-19 in the governor’s weekly press conference on Tuesday, Jan. 11. As case numbers have hit record numbers with the omicron variant, Agency of Education Sec. Dan French sent school administrators a letter on Friday,…
Hartland Select Board appoints new board member
January 12, 2022
By Curt Peterson Maple Heights resident Jim Rielly was chosen from among four applicants to fill Hartland Select Board member Curtis Atkisson’s recently vacated seat on the five-person Hartland Select Board. The board interviewed four candidates before making their decision. The other applicants were David Singer, Mandi Potter and Jacob Holmes. Rielly, a member of…