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Shumlin orders another $17 million in budget cuts

December 3, 2014
By Hilary Niles, On Wednesday, Nov. 26, state agencies were directed to find another $17 million in cuts for the current budget year. That news comes on top of $31.3 million in summer rescissions after the state’s revenue forecast was downgraded. Now, four months into fiscal year 2015, revenues are another $12 million short,…

Outside report criticizes DCF handling of child deaths

December 3, 2014
By Laura Krantz, The Department for Children and Families failed to follow its own policies and moved too quickly to reunify two children with their families when it was not safe, an outside report released Friday, Nov. 21, found. That push to reunify, along with other system failures, contributed to those children’s deaths this…

Auditor questions state’s role in liquor sales

December 3, 2014
By Tom Brown, State Auditor Doug Hoffer is questioning why the state is in the business of selling liquor, a substance that it also regulates. Hoffer’s office issued a report Monday that examines the impact of privatizing the state’s liquor distribution system. The auditor’s report also suggested ways the Department of Liquor Control could…

Health plan “Cadillac tax” expected to cost state $9 million to start

December 3, 2014
By Morgan True, The Affordable Care Act’s so-called “Cadillac tax” on high-value health insurance plans will cost some Vermonters an estimated $9 million when it’s implemented in 2018, according to a draft report released Monday by the Legislative Joint Fiscal Office (JFO). That tax bill is expected to grow to $40 million by 2023.…

State-subsidized spay-neuter program shut down

December 3, 2014
By Laura Krantz, The state this year abruptly shut down a program that helps low-income Vermonters spay and neuter their pets, documents show, leaving pet owners without an affordable way to have their animals fixed and inundating local shelters with calls for help. The Department for Children and Families says the Vermont Spay and…

Universal pre-K delayed one year

December 3, 2014
By Hilary Niles, The implementation of Vermont’s universal pre-kindergarten mandate, signed into law with much fanfare in May, will be delayed for a year. State officials made the announcement Wednesday, Nov. 26, citing challenges with rule-making and school budget processes. Act 166 requires publicly funded pre-kindergarten education to be offered for a minimum of…

State won’t appeal DOC lawsuit

December 3, 2014
By Laura Krantz, The state will not appeal a court decision that deemed it unconstitutional to send male, but not female, inmates out of state, state officials say. In a lower court ruling this summer, Judge Helen Toor ordered the Department of Corrections to return Michael Carpenter, a prisoner sent to Kentucky, to Vermont.…

VTC layoffs announced

December 3, 2014
By Hilary Niles, Eight full-time faculty at Vermont Technical College in Randolph received layoff notices Monday, Nov. 29. The action is part of a large-scale financial reorganization that could have major implications for the school’s course offerings. Additionally, senior professors are being offered cash incentives to retire early, and up to 27 adjunct instructors…

I’m amazed…

December 3, 2014
Dear Editor, I went to the selectboard meeting back on Tuesday, Nov. 18, regarding the sales option tax. The question the board was discussing was whether to put an article for the removal of the option tax on the upcoming March Town Meeting Day vote. What amazes me is that back in 2008 we voted…

What lies ahead

December 3, 2014
By Lee H. Hamilton Given all the words and images devoted to the midterm elections over the past few weeks, you’d think the results had told us something vital about the future of the country. In reality, they were just a curtain-raiser. It’s the next few weeks and months that really matter. The big question,…

The Movie Diary: Into the great unknown

December 3, 2014
By Dom Cioffi Thanksgiving has really transformed itself over the last several decades. No longer a one-day, solely American holiday, the Thanksgiving “festivities” now span from Wednesday, through the weekend, and into Monday. First of all, it’s become customary to throw major parties on the Wednesday night before Thanksgiving. These parties grew out of the…

Rockin’ the Region with Kung Fu

December 3, 2014
By Dave Hoffenberg Tis the season for holidays, snow and the kickoff of the Killington concert scene. This Thursday make sure you head to the Pickle Barrel for Kung Fu’s first Killington appearance. I had the pleasure of speaking to Rob Somerville, saxophonist for the band, who has been playing up here since the early…

Vermont muzzleloader and second archery deer seasons kickoff Dec. 6-14

December 3, 2014
Vermont’s hunters will get one final chance for a deer this year during the muzzleloader deer season and the second part of the archery deer season.  The two seasons run at the same time —Dec. 6-14. A muzzleloader hunter may take one legal buck anywhere in the state. In addition, a hunter who received a muzzleloader…

Vermonters encouraged to prepare for winter driving

December 3, 2014
By Mark Bosma Snow could affect holiday travel. A snowy Wednesday and Thursday leading up to the Thanksgiving Day feast created challenges for travelers. It’s important in Vermont to prepare for winter driving and the heightened risks on the road that are inherent to the time of year when we see snow and ice on…

Oils, part 2: why we’re still consuming a health hazard

December 3, 2014
By Kate Robitello In my previous article on oils, I discussed why there are only four oils that we should be consuming: flax oil, olive oil, coconut oil and advocado oil. However, just a glance at many ingredient lists of top brand food items reveals that they will almost always contain an oil that is…