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Local speakers provide double feature program in Chittenden

August 2, 2023
   Tuesday, Aug. 8, at 7 p.m. — CHITTENDEN —This Tuesday evening, two distinguished local  Chittenden residents will present their research into two radically different subjects.  The first program's  topic  will be given by this year’s recipient for the Society’s Muzzy Davenport Award, an award given for outstanding work in history and interest in local…

Billings Farm and Museum offers farming camp

August 2, 2023
  Monday-Friday, Aug. 7-11, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.—Woodstock—Farm Discovery Camp is a hands-on program for young people, ages 11-14. At Farm Discovery Camp, campers will meet local professionals and farmers who are leaders in their fields — the Billings Dairy Farm manager, local beekeepers, and a large-animal veterinarian. Activities will include the opportunity to work alongside…

Grace Church offers Clash of Gold and Silver concert

August 2, 2023
  Sunday, Aug. 6 at 4 p.m. — RUTLAND — Grace Congregational Church will offer a concert on Sunday at 4 p.m. in the sanctuary.  The event, Clash of Gold and Silver, will include Grace Church’s music minister, Alastair Stout, and Vermont musicians Bill Keck (tuba) and Ron Wold (French horn). The program will include contemporary dancer Zoe…

Brandon annual yard sale day takes place on the first Saturday in August

August 2, 2023
  Saturday, Aug. 5 at 9 a.m.—Brandon—Every year, hundreds of people descend upon Brandon for its annual yard sale day, which helps recycle and reuse. With dozens of yard sales registered on the official listing and scores more set up around town, Brandon will be a busy place. Although most sales will not start until…

The 16th annual Mount Holly garden tour will be held on Saturday

August 2, 2023
  Saturday, Aug. 5, at 9:30 a.m.—Mount. Holly—A self-guided tour of diverse high-altitude gardens that display truly creative landscaping ideas is available for interested garden aficionados. The gardens are designed around Vermont’s natural features, such as huge rock formations, ledges, hills, and valleys. All touch the senses with colorful plants, wonderful scents, and the sounds…

Calvin Coolidge Oath of Office Centennial anniversary offers historic experience 

August 2, 2023
  Wednesday, Aug.  2-5, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.—Plymouth—On August 2, 1923, Vice President Calvin Coolidge was vacationing in Plymouth Notch, Vermont, when word came that President Warren Harding had suddenly passed away. Coolidge’s own father, Colonel John Coolidge, was a notary public and justice of the peace. By this authority, the father swore the son into…

How to rescue food gardens after floodwaters recede

August 2, 2023
  Heavy rainfall followed by flooding in early July had a devastating impact on communities throughout the state. Not only were buildings, roadways and bridges damaged, but vegetable gardens were impacted as well, leading many home and community gardeners to ask, “Are my vegetables, berries and edible flowers still safe to eat?”  The answer is,…

Mountain Times – Volume 51, Number 31 – Aug. 2-8, 2023

August 2, 2023
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$6.9 million is available for Vt organic dairy farmers

August 2, 2023
  Vermont organic dairy farmers are encouraged to apply for relief funding. A grant funding designed to mitigate the extreme market challenges in 2022, including high feed and input costs was made available in the state budget which began on July 1, for $6.9 million. Eligible dairy farmers who apply will receive a single payment…

CLiF brings stories, books to Maclure Library through summer readers grant

August 2, 2023
  Once again this summer, on Thursday, July 27, Maclure Library was able to host a book giveaway thanks to a grant from the Children’s Literacy Foundation (CLiF). The event was attended by 62 children and their families gathering at the Lothrop School gym to watch Vermont author Marv Klassen-Landis’ engaging storytelling, and each child…

Businesses need more from you, governor

August 2, 2023
  By Thomas Greene Editor’s note: This commentary is by Thomas Christopher Greene, a novelist, founder of Vermont College of Fine Arts, and currently the owner of Hugo’s Bar and Grill in Montpelier.  Governor Scott: I write this as a fan of yours. I’m a progressive Democrat, yet I have voted for you. I admired…

We’re swimming in money, but could we drown?

August 2, 2023
  Dear Editor, The pandemic stimulus provided by the federal government and The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) have injected close to $6.7 trillion into the U.S. economy over a three-year period. This is on top of the annual budget spending by the federal government. Wow! Adjusting for inflation, this exceeds what this country spent in…

Vermont students speak against Florida education

August 2, 2023
  Dear Editor, Another Florida headline passed by the screens of millions last week, making waves with captions like “a big step backwards” and “new teaching standards say that African Americans benefited from slavery.”  These standards have changed the narrative of slavery into an incorrect message that undermines the brutality of the time. They not…

The bloated Pentagon budget passed again

August 2, 2023
The bloated Pentagon budget passed again By U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders Editor’s note: On Wednesday, July 26, U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders delivered remarks on the floor of the Senate explaining why he was voting ‘no’ on the $886 billion defense budget. The Senate voted 86-11 in support of the bill the next day. Sanders’ remarks,…

Proctor rink has new playground

August 2, 2023
  Staff report The Proctor Skate Rink opened a new playground this summer, thanks to a $50,000 town grant. Megan Cannucci and her husband, who started running the rink about six years ago, wanted to bring another summer activity to the park, in addition to roller skating.  Playgrounds in the area are located at schools…