Discover More from This Author: Curt Peterson

Hartland author introduces new novel, “Agony Hill” 

September 26, 2024
By Curt Peterson Twenty-five people, fans and the curious, gathered at the Hartland Library Sept. 12 for Sarah Stewart Taylor’s introduction of her new crime novel, “Agony Hill” (Minotaur Books, 2024). The first in a new series by Taylor, “Agony Hill” has a local setting — Bethany, a fictional village in Vermont’s Upper Valley in…

Worldly baker teaches bagel making

September 18, 2024
By Curt Peterson A dozen Hartlanders joined “master baker” Jeffrey Hamelman at the public pizza oven on Saturday morning, Sept. 7, bent on learning how to make bagels. Ten women, one rising 8-year-old girl, and an aging male journalist brought a short list of kitchen equipment. One of the women, Sara Fuschetto, is a breadmaker…

Rutland County Humane Society is still seeking new location

August 21, 2024
By Curt Peterson Sewage limitations and surrounding wetlands preventing expansion are forcing the Rutland County Humane Society to seek new digs, according to RCHS Executive Director Beth Saradarian in an Aug. 14 letter to supporters. Since RCHS announced last spring that the organization needed a new home, they have investigated about 30 suggested sites. To…

30 dogs saved after house collapse

August 14, 2024
By Curt Peterson Last Tuesday, Aug. 6, local fire departments and emergency personnel responded to the collapsed roof of a residence on Brooklyn Road in Mount Tabor. What they found was almost 30 dogs trapped in the house.  One died in the incident.  The Rutland County Humane Society (RCHS) came to the rescue with a…

MVSU board to consider phone-free schools

August 7, 2024
By Curt Peterson The topic of “phone-free schools” was introduced by Sarit Werner during public comment session at Monday evening’s Mountain Views Supervisory Union (MVSU) board meeting, Aug. 5.  Reception of the idea among meeting attendees was generally positive. Werner, who is creative director at Plymouth Cheese Co. in Plymouth, read a letter from the…

Hartland Property purchase achieves funding

August 7, 2024
By Curt Peterson With funding secured, the Hartland Conservation Commission (HCC) and the Upper Valley Land Trust hope to close on the “Pohl Property” and conservation easement purchase by the end of this year. According to a listserv post by Rob Anderegg, HCC chair, funding includes private donations, a $128,000 grant from the Vermont Housing…

Sunnymede Farm Store wins summary judgement

July 17, 2024
By Curt Peterson UPDATE, July 18: The HPC has chosen not to appeal the summary judgment regarding the Sunnymede store. On July 8, the Vermont Superior Court, Environmental Division, issued a summary judgement in favor of Sunnymede Farm’s application to construct a “farm store” on the former Lamb Farm property on Route 5 in Hartland.…

Lightning strikes Hartland barn, twice

July 17, 2024
By Curt Peterson The saying “Lightning never strikes the same place twice,” was proven false in Hartland this week when bolts hit Cobb Hill barn, on a 275-acre farm in Hartland, twice at the same time. At 7:14 a.m., it was reportedly raining here and there, but no signs of a storm. Kerry Gawalt and…

Hartland seeks donations for conservation land

July 10, 2024
By Curt Peterson On July 5 Rob Anderegg, chair of the Hartland Conservation Commission, posted an update regarding the “Pohl Property Conservation Project” on the local listserv. “We are getting close to the goal,” Anderegg wrote. “Only $17,000 needs to be raised to finish the job.” The Hartland Conservation Commission added an article to the…

Killington Select Board approves recreation master plan

July 10, 2024
By Curt Peterson On Monday night, July 8, the Killington Select Board approved the recreation department’s recommendation of awarding Vermont Integrated Architecture (VIA) of Middlebury a contract to create a master plan for the full recreation facility. The recreation master plan is a comprehensive study of the facilities at the Johnson Recreation Center in town…

Preston Bristow wins recognition for Long Trail advocacy

July 10, 2024
By Curt Peterson The Green Mountain Club (GMC) bestowed their President’s Award to Woodstock resident Preston Bristow at their June 15 annual meeting. The non-profit organization, founded in 1910, has focused on finishing the Long Trail’s hiking route for the entire length of Vermont, “From Bolton to the Canadian Border,” Bristow said. “Only about 3%…

Wires buried, poles pulled

July 3, 2024
By Curt Peterson Hartland Select Board Chair Phil Hobbie told the Mountain Times, “Today is a big day! And a long time coming!” Hobbie, wearing a hard hat, stood watching as Green Mountain Power crewmembers pulled the first of several poles from the ground at the recently reconfigured Three Corners intersection in Hartland, at 10…

MVSU to delay bond vote

June 26, 2024
By Curt Peterson The Mountain View Supervisory Union FY2025 budget passed with 60% of the vote on Town Meeting Day. But the district’s $99 million bond for a replacement of the aging Woodstock Middle and High School complex, failed by about 10%. Ben Ford, MSVU board vice-chair and chair of the finance committee, told the…

Gov. Scott addresses veto overrides, affordability in Rutland

June 26, 2024
By Curt Peterson Introduced as “America’s most popular governor,” Phil Scott addressed the Chamber & Economic Development of the Rutland Region (CEDRR) Legislative Breakfast Monday, June 24.  Fresh from a record-making veto override session — both the most vetoes and most overrides — Scott sounded a lot like the fifth-term re-election candidate he is. “I…

Hartland school budget fails, board regroups

June 5, 2024
The first vote passed by 9 votesbut was petitioned,the second vote failed by 14 By Curt Peterson The Hartland school budget revote on May 28 failed by 14 votes – 537 to 551. Two days later the School Board held an emergency meeting to strategize its next move. Chair Nicki Buck explained the board can…