On May 5, 2016

Vt. nepotism, ethics money and marijuana

Dear Editor,
Vermont is riddled with lobbyists and bad money skills.
Our state is truly suffering from the good ol’ boy club, a.k.a. nepotism. A friend of mine recently turned me onto money trails in Vermont, and it’s a sordid mess. However, our problems are solved by better ethics. A major criterion for ethics grading is being able to follow the money. Vermont earned a D- in Ethics.
Vermont is struggling with accounting and accountability. The Jay Peak EB-5 scandal is the tip of our iceberg. The following was reported on Jay Resort by Anne Galloway of Vermont Digger:
Michael Gibson, a registered financial EB-5 advisor who has written extensively about the immigrant investor program, says that if the state had reviewed the financials from the beginning, “They would have discovered in one hour or less, the misappropriation of funds.”
“This fraud went on almost 10 years, to me that’s unconscionable,” Gibson said.
In business, commingling or misappropriation of funds are highly frowned upon. You can get fired and/or go to jail. Government, however, moves money from one program to another and nobody thinks twice. It’s why Vermont can’t get a handle on our budgets and taxing. It’s almost like a Ponzi scheme.
Legalizing marijuana is an example of nepotism set up by lobbyists; they will set up legalized and protected drug cartels sanctioned by their friends in office. Lobbyists call these cartels cooperatives, but don’t be fooled; all drugs will be sold through select cooperatives and select stores run by…..the lobbyists! Marijuana will be a perfect East Coast monopoly. The governor wants this passed at any cost, all pushed by lobbyists who helped draft the bills! As a token response to public outcry, Vermont throws a bone: you can grow two plants for $150.
We’ll find similar nepotism protections and money mismanagement in other areas of our state.Typically these are found in protected markets, overseen by the lobbyists and state. Healthcare, liquor sales, lottery, education, windmill and solar panel companies are to name a few.
The Green Mountain Party wants to raise our Vermont Ethics to an A+.
Come help us make a difference.
Neil Johnson, Waitsfield, founding officers of the Green Mountain Party

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