On April 13, 2016

Move to name Rte. 103 in honor of Desert Storm vets

March 3 marked 25 years since total victory by all veterans who served in Desert Storm giving freedom back to Kuwait. This was the largest callup of reserves and deployment of troops in Vermont since the end of Vietnam almost 50 years ago. The Veterans of Foreign Wars of Vermont have petitioned the Vermont Board of Transportation asking that the State of Vermont name Vermont Route 103, from Rockingham in the east to Clarendon in the west, “Desert Storm Veterans Memorial Highway.” A petition of over 700 names of Vermonters 18 years and older from all over the state has been sent to the board. Please support this effort to honor this group of U.S. war veterans and their families. The board will meet April 21 to set a hearing date that will most likely be in June. We ask your support by sending a letter or card of support to: Vermont Board of Transportation, Attention: John Zicconi, 14 Baldwin Street, Montpelier, VT 05602 asking them to name Vermont Route 103, “The Desert Storm Veterans Memorial Highway.”

Steve Leach, U.S. Army Retired

Chairman, Committee to Name VT Route 103, Vermont VFW

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