On March 23, 2016

Full Moon eclipse brings new beginning, washes the darkness away

By Cal Garrison, a.k.a. Mother of the Skye

Freshly empowered by the intensity that blew in with the Vernal Equinox, this week’s Horoscopes are coming out under the light of a nearly-full, Virgo Moon. We would be wise to use this time to take care of business and have all of it put to bed before the witching hour.  At 11:55 p.m. we will enter a state of suspended animation that will keep us in limbo until half-past-one on Wednesday morning.

This means we will have one whole day to reflect upon what the rites of spring have awakened in us. By 8 a.m. on the Wednesday, March 23, we would do well to have all of those visions clearly defined and ready to be recalibrated under the light of a full moon eclipse that will take place at the 3rd degree of the Aries/Libra axis.

Yes, there is a lot going on and there is more than one way to see it. From my point of view we are teetering on the line where lies give way to the truth and what’s left in the rubble gives everyone a chance to see both, what people are made of, and where to go next. With any luck the disappearance of falsehood could give way to things that have not been see on this planet for a long, long time.

Mercury is getting ready to enter Aries, right behind the Sun. At the moment it is still in the late degrees of Pisces, a sign that the mental giant is not too happy in. With the ruler of the mind and all of our left-brain functions filtering through an archetype that thrives on nebulousness and confusion, my brain is in no mood to think about too much of anything. Let’s play it safe and look at the Sabian Symbol for the degree of tonight’s full moon to see if it can help us get a feeling for what this eclipse will install in the matrix:

Libra: 3 degrees: “The dawn of a new day reveals everything changed.” Keynote: “The ever present possibility of beginning again on a new foundation of values.”

This is a beautiful Equinox metaphor. It applies on all levels, and it applies to what we said about the disappearance of falsehood as well. The “new dawn of the new day.” It wipes the Earth clean and washes the darkness away. As Jupiter and Saturn dance through a phase of their cycle that gives us a choice to stick with the program or strike out on a completely new path, know that the decisions we make in the next few months need to come from a place that is fueled by love. Give that some thought, and let the first signs of spring gladden your heart as you sit down to enjoy this week’s ‘scopes.

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