On January 27, 2016

Mass media’s “silly season” persists

Dear Editor.

The “silly season” for the mass media is supposed to be a short period of time, “usually late summer when the media focuses on trivial or frivolous matters for lack of major news stories,” according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary. This presidential election cycle the silly season started early and has yet to subside. The mainstream media seems intent on evaluating candidates for president on the issues of Donald Trump’s hairstyle, on how long Hillary Clinton spends going to the bathroom and if Bernie Sanders has only one pair of underwear. Good grief! Have the American people really devolved this far?

Donald Trump’s slogan is “Make America Great Again!” I agree with Mr. Trump on this point. However, I am unsure if he understands where American greatness comes from. How do we make America great again? The greatness of our nation, our republic, comes directly from our Constitution. Our Constitution was conceived to “secure the blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.”

In evaluating who is most qualified for the position of president, or any elected office, a few direct questions need to be asked of and answered by the candidates. The questions are as follows: Have you read every word of the Constitution of the United States? Do you understand this document in its original context? Will you uphold your sacred oath to defend the Constitution, every amendment and every article, so help you God?

To know if they are getting the right answers, citizens asking the questions must also have an understanding of the Constitution. This task may seem daunting, considering the three-minute attention span of most Americans. It is what is required if “We the People” are ever to build our nation back to greatness. The Constitution is not a self enforcing document. Enforcement requires informed, engaged and virtuous citizens at the federal, state and local level.

There are numerous resources available to educate yourself regarding our founding documents. The following link provides a good start: www.aafce.com. Once you finish your educational journey and ask the questions, it won’t be hard to eliminate those that are not qualified for the highest office in the land.

Stu Lindberg, Proctorsville, Vt.

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