On December 17, 2015

Chaos among the holiday rushes

By Cal Garrison, a.k.a. Mother of the Skye

This week’s Horoscopes are coming out under the light of an Aquarius Moon, with aspects that make it easier for me to understand why the Hermetic Axiom always applies, and why the world appears to be coming apart at the seams. Let’s look at the main aspects, and go from there to see what the details bring to light.

With everything held within the confines of the never ending square between Uranus and Pluto, themes of ‘revolution’ that have been percolating since 2010 are now being sideswiped by Mars. Under tense aspect, Mars doesn’t want to be a good boy. He is more like Mr. Bad Example, the guy who just can’t get along. On top of all of that, he’s into “Firearms.” (He’s the God of War, after all.) I don’t need to tell you what’s been making headlines, of late. Take a quick scan of your inner and outer reality. Themes that reflect this type of chaos are all over the place.

The square between Astraea and Admetus is serving to drag things out, and making whatever the problem happens to be, worse than it is. Picture long drawn out endings. Think of situations that reflect the need to keep beating a dead horse. If you are wrestling with stories that run from: “Can we just stop the madness and get this over with?” to “Stop dragging my heart around,” you are not alone.

Looking at the square from Siva to Saturn, it comes down to: destruction, to, and through “The Father.” This is the downfall of the Patriarchy. It marks the end of the Male Paradigm. In real time? You will see issues with males who are still hog-tied to the old standards for behavior. All the macho stuff, all the rip-snorting, ball-scratching, huffing and puffing, war-like energy is being transmuted to something else. “The New Male” is emerging from the ashes of whatever 13,000 years of testosterone turns into at the end of the line. We are already seeing glimpses of “him,” here and there.

Psyche opposing the midpoint of Saturn and the Sun tells me that this process of re-identifying the male principle is ringing up all of our deepest wounds. Those wounds are unique to each of us. From a collective perspective, healing them becomes mandatory at the point where we meet the bottom line. I don’t know about you, but I get the feeling we are at that point, right now.

The square between the Moon and Juno will be interesting to those of us who have Mother issues. This combination brings out unequal levels of emotional exchange in relationships. There is a lack of reciprocity. In some cases this surfaces as being involved with lovers, partners, and friends who are standing in for “Mom.” Like I said; if you’ve got mother issues, be aware of the extent to which she is alive and well, in every facet of your relationships.

Alongside the Moon-Juno square, the Moon is also opposing Vulcanus. Simply put, this aspect creates tons of emotional pressure. During the Holiday season we’re under enough pressure as it is. Do whatever it takes to find some sense of peace and calm. There is so much more going on than the Christmas rush. If you find yourself blowing hot and cold on whether or not to show up at the annual Yuletide bash, consider your options and don’t get carried away by conformity, or any sense of duty or obligation. With only one week to go before the Winter Solstice the light is the only thing that matters, and there is so much to consider. Give that some thought, and enjoy this week’s ‘scopes.

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