On December 15, 2015

ARC Rutland Area celebrates 25th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act

Dear editor,

ARC Rutland Area (ARC) recently held its annual membership meeting for people with developmental disabilities and their families. We celebrated the accomplishments of our members with Maggie Pak Awards and the 25th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act. At the meeting, we also explored how the ARC services make impacts in the members’ lives.

For the 7th year Maggie Pak Membership Achievement Awards were given out. The Membership Achievement award went to Stephanie Lovelette for her ongoing efforts to reach out to the community and help others through car washes, bake sales, cards to soldiers, adopting a family at Christmas and personally for taking interest in her own health. The Personal Award went to Harmond Balch for taking steps to brighten other’s lives through his flowers. The Community Award went to Terry Stevens for all the work he has done with the Self Advocacy and AKtion Club groups, as well as comes to the ARC office and checks in daily to see if we have anything for him to do.

The board officers for 2015 will be President John Dunlap. Vice-President Steven Smiel, Secretary Kate Tibbs and Treasurer John B. Wing. Next year’s budget will not be funded without fundraising and grant writing. Over the last two years, ARC board, staff, members and friends, through their new fundraising and grant writing efforts have been able to raise all the monies needed to cover the increasing expenses of their programs offered. Donations, bequests, membership fees, etc. that the community gives pays for the program expenses and also allows the staff more time to focus on the programs’ tasks, strategies and completions. For more information visit www.ARCRutlandArea.org.

Lisa S. Lynch, executive director for ARC Rutland Area

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