On August 28, 2015

Tom Leypoldt announced as new executive director at PEGTV

RUTLAND — PEGTV, Rutland County’s public access television station, officially announce Tom Leypoldt as their new executive director on Tuesday, Aug. 25. Leypoldt has been the channel 15 coordinator for the last 20 years and will take over the helm starting Sept. 1.

“Tom Leypoldt has been an important part of our community’s PEGTV stations for over two decades,” says Board President Kathy Aicher.  “He brings to the position a wealth of industry knowledge, a renowned sense of humor, and a passion for the role of public access television in this community. We are confident that Tom is the right person to lead this organization into the future.”

Leypoldt is a 1985 Mill River Union High School graduate and first became involved with PEGTV at that time as a volunteer. He received his BS in mass media communications from Castleton State College and was hired as the PEGTV channel 15 coordinator in 1995.

“PEGTV is the best and I enjoy working with a great staff and Board of Directors. I have seen PEGTV grow from one channel to three, which indicates how much we are valued by our community,” said Leypoldt. “PEGTV is an ideal freedom of speech platform and I look forward to continuing our mission while serving our viewing area.”

PEGTV is comprised of Channels 15, 20 and 21 and is available throughout Rutland County to all cable subscribers. Streaming programming and video on demand services are also available online at www.pegtv.com.

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