On July 2, 2015

Horoscopes for June 25 – July 1, 2015

Cal Garrison (a.k.a Mother of the Skye) writes weekly horoscopes for The Mountain Times. If you would like an emailed notification sent to you weekly, sign up for the newsletter, below.

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Horoscopes for June 25 – July 1, 2015


March 21 – April 20

You look like a cross between a deer in the headlights and someone who just won the Lottery. In such an unstable position things are easily skewed. If your ego thinks it has everything figured out, the deeper part of you keeps nagging at you about whether or not it’s OK with the way you’re handling this. There’s no right or wrong here, but don’t let your issues, your own or someone else’s, interfere with what you’re here for. Getting real will require you to be as honest with yourself as you can, and just as truthful with others, without hurting anyone in the process.


April 21 – May 20

You are going into this with your fingers crossed hoping that it turns out for the best. There is nothing to worry about if you’ve done your homework. You guys are good at handling pretty much anything. Enlisting the help of others may be your best bet for some of what’s up on the road ahead. There is a need to be totally clear and just as truthful with others about your motives. Any attempt to hide them will not serve your cause. In situations where it becomes obvious that you have to explain yourself, coming clean will get you more points than making excuses.


May 21 – June 20

It’s a good thing you have an easy time and can make the most of whatever happens when everyone else has had enough. This endless supply of energy is in a supercharged state that will allow you to carry on no matter what. Don’t fret about whether you’ve got what it takes. You’ve proven yourself in the past. Lots of things are up in the air. For the next few weeks it would be great if you could give it all a rest and retreat to a place where you can tap the inner workings of your 3D experience. Try to use some of this great energy to nurture the one who has to hold it.


June 21 – July 20

Mother Teresa and you would make great pals. The greater part of your nature is giving so much of you away to people and things, it would be great if you could haul back and keep an eye on where you’ll wind up if you aren’t careful. The need to draw the line, with other people, as well as in your relationship to the work that you do, and/or to the things that suck up your life force all of the time, can’t be underscored strongly enough. You can’t keep this up. Remembering what nourishes your spirit may take time. Start with a PB&J, and a glass of milk, and go from there!


July 21 – August 20

You have gotten really good at holding your own. The last few months have put you through tests that have forced you to put a lot of what you want on the back burner. This is not an easy thing for you guys. In the course of stepping back and allowing something else to hold precedence over you and your needs, you have learned that your light comes through in its most constructive expression, when you are there to hold it for other people. The power of Spirit is huge in you. What has opened your heart is ready to take you even deeper into the creative process.


August 21–September 20

Holding steady is where it’s at. You’ve finally figured out that as long as your head’s above water, you’re OK. The perfection trips that have guided you up until now may be giving way to the idea that changing the world, or making a dent in it, doesn’t require you to sacrifice yourself. Returning to a place that allows you to just be yourself would be wonderful. Whatever that means for you, think about giving yourself at least two hours a day to go there. You’re processing a huge amount of stuff. This is one of those times when you have to give yourself time to release it.


September 21 – October 20

LIBRA: September 21 – October 20
You are up in the air, wondering which way things are going to go. Getting squared away has tested all of your reserves. At an impasse, it’s always hard to take action, one way or another. There is more to this than you can see. Give it time to work its way to the surface and do whatever it takes to reclaim yourself. The truth about what’s happening will reveal itself soon. Lose your strategies and let the forces that guide you get around the parts of you that came here for this lesson. Resistance is natural in situations like this. Keep an eye on what it does to you.


October 21 – November 20

You keep going back and forth, buffeted by the whims and inefficiencies of others. As you try to play both ends to the middle, signals have gotten crossed, and everyone’s got something to say about where you’re at. Knowing enough not to let what other people have to say about you press your buttons takes objectivity. With gossip flying, the fur could also start to fly before you know it! Keep yourself centered. Whatever’s going on behind your back is of no consequence. Those who have an axe to grind are jealous and having a tough time reckoning with your impeccability.


November 21 – December 20

Expecting too much is such a drag. You got into this thinking it would solve everything. It could be that you gave someone way more credit than they deserved. There are so many ways that you could be freaking out over some form of disappointment. Doom isn’t where you belong, my friend. Outer appearances are always illusory. Whatever evolves out of your current situation HAS to be fueled with the kind of faith that comes from Knowing that joy is the main point of attraction here in 3D. It will take an extra push to clear this hump. Don’t let anything get you down.


December 21 – January 20

If things are out of control, don’t place limits on how it goes when life gets this crazy. You may think you know everything, but this is ONE time when you could turn straw into gold – as long as you play your cards right. The last thing you expected has come to pass. The up side of this is looking like a dream come true. The down side of it looks like a train wreck. At the very least, your minds are getting totally blown. Instead of focusing too much on what is being shaken and stirred, start wondering what it will take to take your hands off the wheel and let it flow.


January 21 – February 20

Tripping out and taking off for parts unknown is where it’s at for you guys. I don’t care if it’s journeys of the mind or a weekend getaways, all of the ‘good stuff’ is waiting for you, anywhere but here. The need for a change in perspective come around in cycles to keep us from getting stuck in any one point of view. Yours has been bottled up in considerations that have made it hard to connect with the ‘stuff’ that really floats your boat. Pay close attention to anyone who shows up with different beliefs and or different colored skin. They will gift you with blessings.


February 21 – March 20

Grace under pressure is the name of the game, right now. You are a champ when it comes to dispensing unconditional love. In your current situation, the need to be 100% there for someone or something has got you wound up tighter than a Swiss Watch. Many of you are in a state of suspended animation, waiting for things to rise or fall, with no clue where they will turn up. What can I say? All of us are here to bear witness to our circumstances and accept ‘What is’. Yes this moment is huge. There are no words, and any prescription you find must be written from within.

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