On June 21, 2023

‘American Pickers’ returns to Vermont


Dear Editor,

I am reaching out because our show is planning to return to Vermont in August 2023! We’re looking for leads throughout the state, specifically interesting characters with fascinating items and lots of them! The way we find people and collections for our show is through spreading the word far and wide so that people know we’re coming to town. We hope you can help us let your community know about our search!

We at “American Pickers” are still taking the pandemic very seriously and will follow all guidelines and protocols for safe filming outlined by the state. However, we are incredibly excited to continue connecting with the many collectors in the area to discuss their years of picking! If you feel it appropriate, we really hope you can help us let the people in your backyards know how eager we are to hear their stories! 

Collectors interested in being considered for the show should reach out to us by phone at (646) 493-2184 or email at AmericanPickers@cineflix.com. Be sure to have them include their full name, city/state, contact information, and a brief description of their collection. 

Also, please note that the Pickers only pick private collections, so no stores, malls, flea markets, museums, auctions, businesses, or anything open to the public.

 Let me know if you are able to get the word out! My contact info is below, don’t hesitate to call me with any questions. Thank you so much for your time and help!

Jasmina Joseph

Producer, American Pickers

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