Dear Editor,
Now that the Rutland City School Board has reinstated the Raider name, it is time to move on for our community.
A few people, not living in our great city of Rutland started this process, coupled with some members of the board, and even a now former humanities teacher at the high school. They would not negotiate, they did not talk with the other side, there were no discussions. They simply forced it through.
The former chair’s agenda of indoctrination and changing everything to fit her wokeism thinking is hurting our community. She should resign immediately. The present chair says he will not seek reelection, which his term expires this March. He does not have the confidence of his fellow commissioners, nor the citizens of Rutland.
This board has a lot of work to do. With low test scores sound academic standards are needed now. The commissioners need to work on curriculum, policy, plant buildings and infrastructures, Teacher contracts and attracting sound educators to raise test scores, and working with parents of all the students.
So, my fellow Raider supporters, we need to stay engaged with the Schoolboard workings, policies and process. To our commissioners, stop infighting your leaders. Let’s all work together to make Rutland City Public Schools great for our entire community.
Gregory Thayer and Tammy Bates Lancour, Rutland