On December 29, 2021

Governor fails the test on statewide mask mandate

Dear Editor,

I cannot begin to tell you how disappointed I am with our governor and his flunkies with regards to the non-masking of Vermonters. Historically, people do not do things by themselves, but have to be directed in order to have anything happen. We are not a proactive species. He needed to enact a mask law requiring all to mask within all buildings and perhaps bringing back the six-foot spacing rule again.

In a strange backlash, there are many selfish people in our country who now refuse to get an anti-Covid shot, claiming that it interferes with “their right to make up their own minds” or because it’s Republican vs. Democrats, all absolute balderdash. In my mind, these are people who care nothing for children or for the hospital workers who are putting their lives on the line, working to the point of exhaustion trying to keep people alive who have refused to get a simple shot to prevent mass misery, potential death, and grieving, heartbroken families. I shall voice what many people are now thinking: If you don’t have a shot, you don’t get admitted to the hospital. So many people who have ended up in the hospital say afterwards that they now regretted having not gotten the shot.

It’s so disappointing … I will not be voting for Governor Scott again, nor shall many others I know.

Carolyn Van Vleck, Brandon

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