On December 22, 2021

Spiro fought hard for CU

Dear Editor,

Jonathon Spiro was the perfect president to lead Castleton University through the dual challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic and the proposed merger of Castleton with its northern brethren. He was and still is completely committed to the university’s success, to its students and its faculty and its staff, and to its role in the larger Rutland County community. He balanced the school’s books, he boosted campus morale, he fought tenaciously for maintaining Castleton’s brand and he did it all with an unfailing sense of humor.

The signatories below are members of the Castleton University Rutland Region Advisory Board. While we regret his earlier-than-planned departure from the presidency, and while we continue to believe as Jonathon did that the proposed merger of the Vermont State colleges is not in Castleton University’s best interests, we nonetheless are grateful for all that he accomplished in his tenure as the school’s president. We wish him and his family all the best.

Joe Kraus, Rutland; David Allaire, Mayor of Rutland City; Fred Bagley, Mendon; Steve Costello, Green Mountain Power; Dick Courcelle, Rutland Mental Health Services; Mark Foley, Rutland; Lyle Jepson, CEDRR; Amy Laramie, Powdr Corp; Rutland County Senators: Brian Collamore, Cheryl Hooker, Josh Terenzini; Rutland County Representatives: Bill Canfield,Larry Cupoli, Peter Fagan,James Harrison, Stephanie Jerome, Patti McCoy, Mary Howard, Will Notte, Art Peterson, Butch Shaw, Linda Joy Sullivan.

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