On July 28, 2021

It’s time to rise up, defend liberty from government

Dear Editor,

Since Dec. 2018, “Vermonters for Vermont” Initiative has been talking about educating every Vermonter about freedom, liberty, individualism, independence, innovation and personal responsibility. We have been defending and promoting our Constitution, free markets and taking risks. We have been working to educate and encourage Vermonters to learn what Montpelier and local governments are doing.

Our country was founded on the principles of “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” as pronounced in the Declaration of Independence. Freedom is written into our Constitution, but now everything that makes America purely America is under attack: our freedoms, our heritage, our livelihoods, our education and even our health.

During this challenging time of a global pandemic, elected politicians, un-elected bureaucrats, and Marxist politicians have taken control and weaponized the fears of good Americans including Vermonters to push for government control through public policy. They want socialized medicine, nationalized factories, high tax increases on small businesses, abolishing private property rights, and to fund cash payouts to people who do not want to work.

These radicals are now in charge and are going so far as to rewrite our rich American history. This critical race theory teaching is already being taught in K-12 schools all across the country, and here in Vermont. They deny it but there is a lot of proof that they are disguising it as equity. Equity’s not equality; it holds students back, and those who wish to achieve higher feel the pain.

Instead of teaching that our great country was founded on the desire to be free and choose one’s own destiny, critical race theory teaches that America was founded on racism and oppression. This is not about promoting the American dream for all citizens, it’s about pitting people against each other in a never-ending power struggle.

Here at “Vermonters for Vermont” Initiative, we believe in and support all Vermonters’ need to work hard to stop this absurdity. We all have a right to have control over our own selves, our own businesses, our family, our healthcare and most importantly parents having a right to know what is being taught to their children in their schools.

Limited government is one of our primary founding principles and big government is never the answer; as history and recent events tell us, Marxism, Communism and Socialism are all proven platforms of destruction of a nation.

Joe Biden and the Democratic left are attacking the United States from within. Together with the radical left having slim majorities in both the U.S. House and Senate, and with the Vermont legislature a vast Socialist haven, it is up to us Vermonters to defend Liberty and our Constitution and our way of life that we deeply love and respect with our lives.

Gregory Thayer, Rutland, founder of the Vermonter’s for Vermont Initiative.

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