On March 12, 2015

Horoscopes for March 5 – March 11, 2015

Cal Garrison (a.k.a Mother of the Skye) writes weekly horoscopes for The Mountain Times. If you would like an emailed notification sent to you weekly, sign up for the newsletter, below.





Horoscopes for March 5 – March 11, 2015


March 21 – April 20

Take a break. If you don’t stop to do a major reality check you’ll be in a mess. You could have avoided all of this with a dose of foresight. Getting clear about what drives you from within has made it possible for you to behave differently with others. You have finally realized that everyone isn’t out to get you. The insatiable appetite for knowledge and the craving for new experiences has gotten a bit out of control. Stop overlooking the obvious. What you’re wishing for is already right here in front of you.


April 21 – May 20

You may be wondering where the support structures are in your life. What you’ve counted on to guide you or build security has turned out to be relatively useless. In your closest relationships people seem to be turning to you at a time when you’re craving that from them. Start taking care of your self and stop pandering to things you think will meet your needs. Time spent alone getting to the bottom of older wounds will provide strength, clarity, and the courage to create a different vision for the future.


May 21 – June 20

You have money issues that are subconsciously related to things that raced through your life years ago. If you think you can’t afford to do what you want to do, ask yourself: “why?” You may need to put your money down even when there doesn’t appear to be any. Take that leap, everything you need will flow to you if you do it wisely. Your relationships have caused you to question yourself and if it’s even possible to be in one. Changing the context of what you can allow to happen there is mandatory.


June 21 – July 20

Being confused about why you are in this position is making it hard for you to enjoy it! Don’t question your situation so much, and don’t listen to what other people have to say about it. You’re the only one who has any hope of knowing why you need to do this and you can’t expect to be clear about anything when you’re in the middle of it. The money flow is slow and the projects that you thought would be profitable have turned out to be a waste of time. Don’t be disheartened. Just keep working and wait.


July 21 – August 20

I don’t know what happened but something in you must have shifted just enough for you to get over yourself and get real. It’s almost like you took your mask off. Now that people can see you, you will find that they respond differently. Anyone who doesn’t like what they see or who gives you a hard time for stepping out is deeply afraid that they might have to grow too. Don’t let anything hold you back. You’ve already wasted too much time in the realm of the living dead. Get out before you get sucked back in.


August 21–September 20

You are preoccupied with things that are taking you too far away from yourself. There’s some fear, and the idea that you have to be one step ahead of everyone is real strong. You can go around in your head about this a million times a day but it won’t help you resolve anything. If you want to feel free and get any sense of clarity, the best thing to do is remember to trust. God and the forces of light will take care of this. It’s not your job to set things right. All you have to do is remain honest, do your homework, and show up.


September 21 – October 20

LIBRA: September 21 – October 20
Getting too intense about your issues is a byproduct of the deep yearning to resolve them. It may be better just to let things be and not get all wound up trying to make “the bad stuff” go away. There are things that you can’t control and they are showing up in your relationships. With any Libra, it’s usually the case that the inner child needs a lot more airtime. If that’s the case, get out and play more. It could also mean that it’s time for a good cry. You’ll feel better if you stop holding everything in.


October 21 – November 20

Someone you trusted has turned out to be a very dark influence and you can’t be sure how their energy has really affected you. Look back as far as you can to see how much you have revealed about yourself and how much they know about you – once that’s squared away, figure out how to extricate yourself from this situation as soon as possible. This whole experience has served as a good lesson in how gullible you are at times. Just because people have all the right moves is no indication that they are honest.


November 21 – December 20

It’s been clear for quite a while that you’ve had it but you can’t make a move until you know at a gut level that it’s time. Sitting people down and talking honestly with them was a good idea but it hasn’t yielded the results you wanted. What they say they don’t mean. Looking at why you’ve attracted relationships where none of your needs get met will show you what you can do to change. Only after a certain amount of your own work gets done will you know why others can’t give you what you yearn for.


December 21 – January 20

You have had a lot of trouble coming to terms with someone or something. Being a stubborn prideful sort of person, you haven’t reached out for too much advice. And the people you have been talking to don’t have enough insight to see what it is you really need – nor do they have the time to care. The answers you seek aren’t on “Oprah” my dear, so dig a little deeper. Most of your core beliefs will have to unravel before you’ll have any clarity. It’s all about changing the way


January 21 – February 20

Someone wants to keep their hooks and it’s making it hard for you to break free. If you could see WHY you need to do this to yourself you’d be better off, but we’re all slaves to our primary issues. Don’t criticize yourself for what you’re not ready to face. There are other things that are looking pretty good. You’re in a phase where nothing can go wrong. Grab every opportunity that comes your way, no matter how off-the-wall it seems. The gate to the future is right here. All you have to do is walk through it.


February 21 – March 20

The influx of new ideas that began a few months ago has made a huge change in the way you see yourself. The fact that you’re opening up won’t automatically make everything easy. More often, change brings turmoil. You’ll be moving through your life like a speeding bullet for a few months. The more you are able to stay in the eye of the storm the better things will be. Don’t separate your inner and outer worlds. Whether your lessons are easy or hard, they’re all there to bring you closer to God.

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