On May 26, 2021

Of children and the vaccine

By Angelo Lynn

When it comes to parents being unsure of whether they should give their children the vaccine to prevent contracting Covid-19, we get it. Parents are naturally protective; we are mama or papa bears protecting our cubs. It’s an instinct that lasts long into adulthood.

But we also understand the scientific process, and the exhaustive tests and the data to date clearly show that adults and children age 12 and over are better served by getting the vaccine than not. Parents must also consider that while the Center for Disease Control botched the initial diagnosis under the Trump administration by saying it was spread by water droplets more so than through the air, the medical community knows far more today about the virus than they did a year ago. 

To that end, the overwhelming evidence today is that the vaccines are very effective at preventing serious cases of the disease while negative reactions to the vaccines are extremely rare.

We also know that Covid-19 has been a very deadly disease that, while most harmful to older people, has also infected more than 3.6 million children over the past year with 297 deaths as of late April. Statistically, according to one report, that’s in the 4%-5% range of the people in the nation infected with Covid-19, and while not high, it’s a far greater risk to children than getting the vaccine.

More importantly, children can be virus spreaders to others in the community, and with the virus mutating rapidly a key goal of state and national health care policy is to have a high-enough vaccination rate that we effectively snuff out the virus’s ability to spread. That’s likely not possible without the school population of teens and adolescents getting vaccinated. 

In Vermont, where the vaccination rate is over 75% of those who are eligible, there is the real chance that the state can effectively prevent or stop the spread of the virus and new variants if a similar rate of vaccination were achieved with all schools age children ASAP.

To provide more assurance, Vermont pediatricians are leading a campaign to reach out to nervous parents with conversations to answer their concerns and questions. A key question is asking those pediatricians what they are doing for their own families, and they’re quick to say they’ve already gotten the vaccine for their children or are signed up at the earliest opportunity. 

For those parents who are eager for their children to get a vaccine shot, clinics are scheduled frequently in various parts of the state, including at local schools.

While the mama and papa bear instinct is to draw your children close to protect them, in this instance signing them up for the vaccine is the safest measure to take.

Angelo Lynn is the editor and publisher of the Addison Independent, a sister publication of the Mountain Times.

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