On March 31, 2021

State biologist to discuss wetland conservation 

Thursday, April 1 at 12 p.m.—VIRTUAL— The Dept. of Environmental  Conservation  (DEC)  invites  the public to join  the next Clean Water  Series talk on Thursday, April 1 from 12-1 p.m. The talk  will highlight wetland conservation and is part of a  monthly  virtual series  featuring efforts to  protect and  restore  water quality in Vermont.

At the event, David Sausville, a biologist with the Vermont Fish & Wildlife Dept., will discuss a new wetland restoration program. The goal of the program is to improve water quality while providing habitat for wildlife and public land for recreation.

“While we can’t add any more land area to Vermont, we can protect the land we currently have,” said Sausville. “By protecting it today, we’ll be able to manage it in a way that provides long-term benefits for wildlife, their habitats and ultimately humans.”

Learn more about Vermont’s wildlife management areas at vtfishandwildlife.com/conserve and attend next Thursday’s talk to learn more about wetland conservation, restoration, and acquisition.

Register for this free online event at   dec.vermont.gov/water-investment/cwi/outreach/lecture-series.  All  lectures  are  recorded and uploaded  to  DEC’s  YouTube channel  at tiny.cc/CleanWaterYouTube.  To  request accommodations to participate in the lecture series, please email

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