On January 27, 2021

Stop travel, stop Covid-19

Dear Editor,

In 2020 I lost my wife and the mother of my children to Covid. Now Arizona is the hottest spot on the planet for Covid.

There is only one way Covid is transported and that is by people, and maybe animals. Stop the flow of people, and you stop Covid. Arizona, and warmer climates like it, are people magnets, especially when the winter is freezing your toes, in the higher latitudes. Since our country was built on the movement  West, and Americans are truly in love with the car, stopping them from moving is like having no water in the world . . . so, it’s safe to say, where you find people gathered together, you find Covid.

We have to either come up with a good vaccine for it – or stop all movement from state to state by those who do not have to move.

Immigration must stop. If you can’t see your family for holidays or just for the hell of it, then you just CAN’T, and if caught, you get a fine, just like a moving violation, and every time you get caught, it goes up, until you are strapped with a non-removable GPS on your leg and have to report to a parole officer every week!

It needs to be pounded into people’s heads, that if they are not in the work force, going to work, they need to STAY HOME. God help the S.O.B. that gives me Covid because they couldn’t stay home!

If  you need food, there are many good ways to get it these days without you going out, if you’re getting stir crazy inside, get out and work in your yard, watch nature, volunteer, but don’t travel out of your county.

The National Guard needs to be activated to make sure law and order is adhered to and important government and civilian establishments are not overrun by nut cases!

Yes, a type of marshal law needs to exist until this dam Covid is truly under control. We are now ALL prisoners of a germ we can’t even see!

As Mr. Spock said, the good of the many outweighs the need of the one (or something like that).


Vincent Valentino


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