On February 11, 2015

Cocktail corner: The Lumber “Jack” Old Fashion

Photo submitted

Bartender Tom Joyce stands behind the bar at On The Rocs and prepares the “The Lumber ‘Jack’ Old Fashion.”

By Tom Joyce

It’s great to see our friends from Jack Daniels back on the Killington Road this week.

I thought I’d bring a drink out of the archives to celebrate their return. I hope you like it.

This was my entry into the Tennessee Week Drink Competition 2013.

It did not win, place or show, but it did make its way onto our cocktail menu and it’s been quite popular — isn’t that what Mr D. would have wanted? I have tweaked it a little from 1 oz. of the maple liqueur to 0.75 oz. and now I’m serving it with .5 oz. making it not as sweet and more like an Old Fashion.

The Lumber “Jack” Old Fashion

“Jack wields his mighty Ax and fells trees three, Maple, Apple and Cherry”

2 oz. Jack Daniels Old # 7

0.5 oz. Sapling Vt. Maple liqueur (or substitute 0.25 oz of real syrup)

0.25 oz. Fresh Vermont Apple Cider

6 drops Vanilla Cherry Bark Bitters (or add 1 drop of grenadine syrup)

Add ingredients into a frozen mixing glass, fill with ice, stir about 30 seconds or about the amount of time it takes you to recite a short poem about the cocktail hour from Bernard DeVoto’s classic book, The Hour:

“This is the Violet hour.

The hour of hush and wonder,

when the affections glow and valor is reborn.

When the shadows deepen along the edge of the forest,

and we believe that, if we watch carefully,

at any moment, we may see, the Unicorn.”

Strain over a two inch ice cube or straight up in a frozen double Old Fashion glass, enjoy.

Be Safe, and remember the road probably doesn’t need one.  So Tipple don’t Topple.

Welcome back Jack!

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