On December 16, 2020

The importance of giving back

By Vanessa Robertson

Rutland Young Professionals is an all-volunteer, non-profit organization dedicated to building up Rutland County and creating social and fun networking opportunities for young professionals in the area. Just as important as growing networks and business, Rutland Young Professionals is dedicated to giving back to our community.

A majority of our board members grew up in Rutland County, and for those board members that did not, they have made Rutland County their home. Growing up in Rutland, I have always felt that giving back was a common practice here. Our community is a shining example of ensuring that community needs are met. Be it the annual Stuff-a-Bus fundraiser to benefit local food shelves or the Gift of Life Marathon blood drive, community outreach is always near. I saw it time and time again throughout this area and Rutland Young Professionals embodies that mindset.

Last month, board members and members of the events committee donated $325 to NewStory Center. NewStory Center is a non-profit organization dedicated to ending the cycle of domestic violence through support, education, prevention, and collaboration with people and communities in Rutland County. NewStory Center has seen an increase in those using their services during COVID-19 lockdowns and quarantine. The donation was used to assist with Thanksgiving food shopping for the families currently at NewStory Center. Please visit nscvt.org to find ways to serve them during this time.

Rutland Young Professionals once again took part in the Adopt-A-Family program this year. Adopt-A-family is a Rutland Regional Medical Center fundraiser that collects toys and other items to donate to low-income families. Last year, RYP delivered more than 50 gifts and gift cards to a family in our community. This year, with a donation match from the Knights of Columbus Council #232, we were able to raise $925 to benefit local families. Adopt-A-Family accepted monetary donations in order to purchase gift cards for gifts and food to distribute to families during this time. We are extremely thankful to those that donated and are mindful that people are still giving during a very difficult year.

Rutland Young Professionals is always looking for new ways to serve the community. If you have a fundraiser idea or would like to speak with RYP about an organization helping our community, please visit our website at rutlandyoungprofessionals.org. Thank you to everyone who contributed to this year’s fundraisers. Happy Holidays!

Vanessa Robertson is a Rutland Young Professionals Board Member and the Events Committee Chairwoman. Vanessa works as an associate at Facey Goss & McPhee P.C.

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