On October 28, 2020

Fredette is running to be the voice

Dear Editor,

I am running to be a voice of the people from Clarendon, Proctor, Tinmouth, Wallingford, and West Rutland as Representative of the Rutland-2 District in the Vermont House; I would appreciate your vote.

One of the strongest assets I have that qualifies me for the job is my ability to engage in productive conversations with diverse groups of people. I have many years of experience in recognizing common ground, and building upon that to reach consensus on a wide variety of issues, including helping to:

Negotiate working conditions with a teacher union, and Act 250 permit conditions with an international asphalt company;

Craft policies to guide and support school operations, and resolutions relating to education that eventually became state laws;

Plan for economic development balanced with environmental protections on a regional level.

It is important to note the words “helping to”, above, because no one person can accomplish these things alone…one needs to know how to act as a member of a team in order to get anything done. There is far too much divisiveness present in our society today, and I strongly feel we must get back to a working understanding of agreeing to disagree. It has been proven throughout history that solid legislation for the good of all people can happen when Republicans and Democrats, Senators and Representatives, administrations and Legislatures all work towards solutions that everybody can live with instead of drawing lines in the sand.

I hope the voters of Rutland-2 will see fit to send me to Montpelier to work towards that end. You can learn more about my positions on issues, as well as find information on how to contact me at home at kenfredetteforvermont.com.

Stay well.

Ken Fredette


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