On October 7, 2020

Vote for Scott Milne

Dear Editor,

In the 1990s, my wife and I bought a home in Vermont. We lived there and raised a family. Our kids went to school there. We ran a small business, and made lasting friendships in a close community.

But as time went on, Vermont became a less affordable place to live. Our property taxes skyrocketed. Montpelier was ignoring the struggles of small businesses like ours. And the costs of utilities, health care, and living expenses kept going through the roof.

So, we made the decision to relocate to a more affordable state. It wasn’t easy, but tens of thousands of Vermonters have had to make similar decisions in recent years, exacerbating the demographic crisis the state is facing.

Governor Phil Scott is working hard to put our state on a solid trajectory. But he needs a partner in the Lieutenant Governor’s Office, which is why we’re urging Vermonters to vote for Scott Milne for Lieutenant Governor.

Scott is a fifth generation Vermonter and small businessman. He understands the demographic challenges, as well as the more recent concerns relating to Covid-19 and the economic crisis. He has 30 years of real-world business experience to bring to the table.

Scott’s also put out his 60-point ProgressVT plan on his website to address the major issues facing Vermonters, like the cost of child care, health care, higher education, and more. He wants to roll back state taxes on Social Security income, military pensions, and medical expenses. For Vermonters on the fence about leaving, those would be game-changers to encourage them to stay—and even attract more people to Vermont.

And Scott Milne isn’t just another Republican. He isn’t afraid to buck the national GOP and work across party lines. He’s not only been endorsed by Governor Phil Scott, but by several democratic leaders as well.

Vermonters need Scott Milne in the lieutenant governor’s office to help achieve Governor Phil Scott’s vision, and prevent more and more Vermonters leaving for more affordable climates.

We urge you to vote for Scott Milne for lieutenant governor.

Ed and Colette Dublois
Marco Island, FL, formerly of Manchester, Vermont

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