Just when you hoped the dust would settle, the Cosmos will kick it up again. This week’s Full Moon happens with Uranus, the planet of surprises, shocks, and changes. If you have a wise eye on the situation, then chances are, you might be shocked but not necessarily surprised. This will be the case if you see things as they are, not what you project onto them.
For others, events will be shocking and surprising. These people are less likely to cope with what happens.
Despite all this, you do have a choice. You can get caught in the crossfire, or you can heed the message the stars have to offer. This isn’t the time to be a deer in the headlights. It’s time to be aware that circumstances have changed, and it’s time to take action. Bleating in the internet echo chamber is probably not the way to go about it.
Look at your life. What can you do honestly and pragmatically to improve it? Rather than complaining about grievances, what can you do to bring the blessing and benefit to yourself and other people by taking affirmative action?