On October 16, 2024

Vote Schoville for U.S. Senate

Dear Editor,

My name is Justin Schoville, and I am running for U.S. Senate in the Green Mountain Peace and Justice Party (labelled “Peace and Justice” on your ballots). Peace and Justice candidates are running for most of the statewide offices this year. We believe in providing basic necessities for everyone free of charge — education, housing, healthcare, childcare, elder care. We believe all Vermonters deserve a living wage. We support a universal basic income. We believe in democracy in the workplace, as well as our political process. We believe workers should own the means of production.

In a word, we support socialism.

I am running against Bernie Sanders, a political giant. I agree with many of the policies he advocates for. However, his political vision is blind to the realities of Washington. He supports the Democratic Party, a party dominated by millionaire and billionaire money. It is as money-drenched as the Republican Party. As long as big money dominates the two main parties, the interests of the poor and working class will never be represented.

This is why we exist.

Our party refuses to take money from corporate interests. We only take money from our members. We will not be bought. Our only interest group is the poor and working class, the backbone of this state.

I am running to give people a choice this election cycle, but I am also running to tell you our party exists. 

And we need you. Your state and your co-workers need you. We need you to join us, to guide our political party, to run for office, and to represent the poor and workers in your community.

Join us at greenmountainpeaceandjusticeparty.org. 

Vote for workers! Vote Peace and Justice! Join our movement! 

Justin Schoville,

Editor’s note: Justin Schoville is a founder and member-owner of Mountain View Law in Killington.

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