On July 29, 2020

Vermont physicians thank Governor Phil Scott for mask mandate

Dear Editor,

The physician and physician assistant members of the Vermont Medical Society applaud Governor Phil Scott’s announcement Friday putting in place a mandatory face mask policy.

On Wednesday night, the Medical Society governing council led by president Catherine Schneider, MD, met for an hour to discuss the evidence and policy options regarding the universal use of facial coverings. The council adopted the following statement:

“Resolved, that based on scientific evidence, the Vermont Medical Society strongly urges the State of Vermont to take immediate action to promote universal facial covering use in all public settings for all individuals who can medically or developmentally tolerate wearing a facial covering.”

One such action the Vermont Medical Society supports – based on the latest evidence – is a state-wide facial covering mandate.  “The physicians and PAs of Vermont have determined that the evidence is clear: wearing a cloth facial covering helps protect communities from the spread of Covid 19,” stated VMS Executive Director Jessa Barnard. “We are pleased that the Governor’s mask policy announced today will join with public campaigns encouraging mask use to help prevent transmission in Vermont. This is critical for protecting the health of Vermonters and to allowing children to return to school in the fall, another vital health issue.”

Jill Sudhoff-Guerin, policy and communications manager, Vermont Medical Society

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