On September 18, 2024

A note of thanks

Dear Editor,

Thank you to so many who celebrated the life of Erica Hurd last month on the Pittsfield Green.  Like her, it was beautiful in so many ways. She brought us together again to share our love, stories, food, music, tears and laughter. And lots of purple.

The support of so many — family, friends, neighbors — and the town of Pittsfield, the little town with the big heart, was overwhelming. The day would not have been possible without you and the delicious food and amazing spirit you brought. We especially want to thank Cheryl and Roy Hopgood, Sharon and Gary Mayer, Christa Mohr, Susan and Vito Rasenas, Liz Vago, Patty and Vern Haskins, Dorien Morin-van Dam, Tyler Gugliotta, Fergus Keenan, Ginny Sargent for all the set up and take down help. So many more helped, too – thank you!

Thanks to the musicians, Tom Hooper and Aaron Hersey from The Detonators, Wayne Canney and DJ Dave Hoffenberg. Johan Morin-van Dam for his original song and performance of “Purple” written to honor Erica. Rick and Heather for ukuleles on “White Sandy Beach” and “The Luv” always. Thanks to the Pittsfield Volunteer Fire Department for manning the grills and Roger and Joyce Stevens from the Swiss Farm Market. Katie Stiles created a purple cocktail and her team from the Original General Store/Vermont Catering quenched our thirst. The big cake from Dream Maker Bakers was both so beautiful and so delicious. Erica loved deserts — sometimes before dinner!

When Erica organized past Pittsfield Picnics it was also in support of the town’s recreation area efforts. There were many generous gifts made at the picnic and those are now part of the Erica J. Hurd Memorial Fund, which the town has established in her honor. If you are able, tax-deductible donations may be sent or dropped off to 40 Village Green, PO Box 556, Pittsfield, VT 05762. All contributions specifically will be used for developing the recreation area and programs in Pittsfield.

We will always cherish the day you gave us to celebrate Erica.  A life well lived.

Christopher and Amelia Hurd, Pittsfield

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