On August 7, 2024

Vt is a beacon of light for women

By Melinda Moulton

Editor’s note: Melinda Moulton, of Huntington, is a writer, filmmaker, social and climate activist and community leader.

As the grandmother of three teenage girls, I have trepidation about their futures growing up in America. A hateful tenor toward women and anti-women rhetoric out in the open is now mainstreamed. Women’s rights are being pulverized by a male-dominated anti-female political movement. 

Jessica Calarco, author of “Holding it Together: How Women Became America’s Safety Net” writes, “Compared with its economic peers, the United States lacks social safety net programs for women: programs like sick time, vacation time, health care, affordable day care, and maternal leave.”

Women hold nearly 70% of the lowest wage jobs and they are struggling, ignored and often vilified in the political arena. Demeaning treatment and mean-spirited comments and policies against women have accelerated in this country. I personally have experienced this. Prominent powerful women are spoken of in the vilest of ways to trivialize and demean them. Anti-woman hate speech has emboldened some men in our country to engage in degrading, demeaning, damaging and even dangerous behavior toward women. 

Vermont is working to fight back against this movement, and I take immense pride in the progress we have made for women. In November of 2022, Vermont became the first state to enshrine abortion rights into our constitution. The yes votes outnumbered no votes 72% to 22%.

Last year, Gov. Phil Scott signed Act 47, which revised local zoning and land use regulations to allow for more dense affordable housing which supports women and families. This year, PR.4 — a declaration of rights, government for the people and equality — was adopted by the Vermont Senate. Act 117 expands employment protections and collective bargaining rights, and Act 94 requires insurance companies to provide coverage for diagnostic breast imaging.

TrustedHousesitters rated Vermont as the safest state for solo female travelers, and U.S. News & World Report rated Vermont fourth for gender equality, first place for family planning and care and second place for economy and representation of power.

According to the Center for American Women in Politics, Vermont ranks fourth in the nation for female representation in our state Legislature. Rep. Becca Balint is Vermont’s first gay woman elected to Congress and Mayor Emma Mulvaney-Stanak is the first gay woman elected as mayor of our Queen City. We are emboldened and taking charge. 

Women have the strength, the brilliance and the fortitude to fight back against those who so blatantly strive to take away our rights and dignity. That is exactly what we will do, and Vermont will continue to be a beacon of light for women across this country.

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