On July 31, 2024

Offended by cartoons

Dear Editor,

First I want to say I appreciate your free weekly newspaper. We caretake a home here in Pico for the last 6 years and it’s very informative as to upcoming events.

I am truly upset about the voice of your political cartoons. I realize everyone has a right to their beliefs, but not everyone shares your same views. I cannot believe the mockery and how you seem to take an assassination attempt and the death of a spectator so lightly. 

In last week’s edition, the middle cartoon with President Trump and the ear bandage as well as the one of Trump in the white jacket with Vance encouraging him to drop out was especially troubling to me.

The cartoon of Biden passing torch to Harris and Generation X sparked my rage as to the fact that most Generation X adults have no clue about the freedoms and hardship our country was built upon.

I know I cannot sway your political views, but I am appalled that the Democrats can keep the lies continuing. I am from Georgia and have no racial issues. I would have voted for Ben Carson if he had made it that far.

I think it’s interesting that Vermont has a black population of 1.17%. So many people up here had BLM flags and I cannot believe the money that is pouring in for Kamala Harris.

Blacks are being lied to and victims. Why should they not be encouraged to pursue jobs and educations?  I am a retired teacher and know how education is not valued among the majority of blacks.

Please have some cartoons that might have some empathy for human life and dignity and stop the lies.


Susan Weiksner

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